Are Good and Evil Objective?

nah its subjective

you could easily view slave supporters viewing free slaves as evil

angels as evil, Olympian gods as evil. etc

I won’t get religious this time bc my outburst was the reason why pip_zog’s god question got shut down

Evil does exist. Yes it’s subjective to a degree and everyone has their opinions on what is evil and what isn’t, what is good and what isn’t, but in the words of dragon himself:

So here’s an example: Going on a killing spree irl is viewed as malevolent and destructive by the majority of the population (and rightfully so). I absolutely cannot see how that can’t be labeled as evil, even if their intentions are “noble” such as “THE hUmAn PopUlaTioN IS tOO bIG aNd IS tEaRing THROUGh THE eaRth’s RESourCes, i Am SAViNG THe EArtH BY kiLLin G ThEm aLL” (yes I know this is an actual issue but that’s for another topic)

Perhaps i’m just further proving your point that good and evil are subjective, but the way I see things, there is a right and wrong. I’m not just going to fuck someone over just bc I can and then call myself “good”…but there are people in the world who do that and I DON’T understand them. And I never will.

It depends on perspective, someone could be a hero in one story but the villain in another.


I mean, what makes the massacre of locusts not evil while doing the same to humans is? What? The locusts are pests? Yes, well, have you seen what humans have done?


You got me there…

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subjective yes

but we’re humans, we exist to subject things to our opinions. there’s a lot of complexity to it, just try to do the right thing whenever in life and make sure to be happy11!1!


Let’s be honest, if you saw me tear through a flat earth/ Qanon/ antivax riot with a chainsaw , dual bfg. 50 cals and napalm grenades,

would you really see me as evil?


Ok I get it there are gaping holes in my statement.

I can’t say yes or no bc i’m fucked either way.

If I say yes, then it shows that I stand by those people you mentioned (which I don’t)

If I say no, then it shows that I support murder of people I disagree with…

no you only show support for murder of those…

that lack the competence to understand both the importance and triviality of what we perceive as individual components of reality, and the non-existence/depravity of an uncertain amount of them

those narcissists, those decayed fucking people who only exist as parasites, these fucking motherfuckers that exist only to be sedated

and I find wanting them dead or locked away in a dungeon for all of eternity perfectly normal

yay time to say something.
First things first when you have a question like this, you have to define the terms.
Thus, we’ll define “subjective” as

We also need to define the term “utilitarian”, although it is not in the question.
If something is utilitarian, it creates the most happiness and well-being for the most amount of people possible.
In turn, we’ll define Good and Evil using utilitarian values.
In purely utilitarian terms, every object in existence has a certain value. For our terms, we will define a human life as having a value of 1, simply for existing. We can define other objects using the same scale. For example, a bullet will have a value of -1, as it has the potential to kill 1 human being. On the other hand, a knife has a value of -0.5, as it is unlikely to kill a human being, but might. Something like a tree has a value of 0.0001, give or take 5 orders of magnitude, it’s value guaranteed by existence. Thus, an action that saves 1 person at the cost of 10000 trees is justified.
However, a person who will or has killed another person has that person’s value subtracted from their own. Thus, someone who has killed 3 people has a value of -2. By the same logic, someone who has saved 3 people has a value of 4.
Using values like this, it is easy enough to say that good and evil are purely objective. A dictator who kills 10000 people has a value of -9999, which means that they are evil. But if they did so in order to save 10050 people, then they have a value of 51, and are good. Of course, this is an oversimplification, but yes by purely utilitarian terms, good and evil are perfectly objective. It is an oversimplification simply because of the following example: a person feeds a homeless man, who survives and later goes on to kill 3 people. Thus, the person who fed that homeless man is guilty of saving a man who killed 3 people, reducing the feeder’s value to -1. This kind of intricacy leads us to our next observation.

We observe that there is one major inherent flaw in the argument that good and evil are purely objective. In order to judge good and evil perfectly objectively, one must be able to know everything, that is, one must be omniscient. As no one is omniscient, in order to judge good and evil, one must apply subjective values to them. Subjective values are values created by a society for their members to seek to meet or acquire, so as to attempt to create objective good.

Thus, good and evil are objective values that are seen and viewed subjectively due to the lack of omniscient knowledge.

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I just realized I wrote another essay.


if it attacks me ingame then it’s evil, simple


Now you see here, Shrek, if a goodrep attacks you, is that goodrep really evil? Probably. Probably not.

They probably are, because goodreps suck ass.

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right on the money

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That moment when you’re neutral-unfriendly rep so you just…


rip and tear through the magic council type beat

Unfortunately I can’t actually do that since the last time I did my rep dropped to tyrant, and you see, I can’t exactly have that can I? Then I wouldn’t be neutral-unfriendly rep anymore.

Get back to work on Ultimatum 13 robot we’re waiting.


ok sir

Time to be a skeptic

but why is this decision not subjective? Most of society doesn’t use a purely utilitarian framework because they care about things like justice and fairness even if they lead to less happiness and wellbeing overall