Armor Piercing stat will be a failure

I’m no good at math but I think that doesn’t add up.


nvm soemone posted this before me guess i’ll invoke the third finger to a void god

If they dont have some built in, and something like Calvus’s hp comes purely from vitality and level, then AP will be literally useless outside of pvp

The explanation is simple: people are allowed to vote for both options, and by so percentage for each is separate - 95% means that 95% of all people who have voted for something have voted for intensity rework

And I suspect that two lil rats have voted for AP but haven’t voted for intensity rework. When I will find out who was that, I will bury them at my graveyard for the sake of intensity players



Imagine piercing not as stat, but as weapon type feature for weapon aura.
Spear, Trident and Rapies be the only ones with that attribute (and probably some other type of rare/exotic weapons)

No, I mean why have you posted a link to this here?

so i wont rewrite all of that?

imagine a tanky warden with “thorned” stat
just get rid of armor pierce and thorn alltogether

ima be real here I don’t exactly see the issue with AP since it sounds just like a good way to deal with nerds who run like 3000+ defense and play like turtles

I really think this is being blown out of proportion

Also muskets because, yknow, piercing shot.

Tho itd be funny if it didnt get that property anyway

Ah yes, subjectively the best weapon, needs more buffs…

Isn’t this the exact way to play Vitality? Still sure you are one of Us?


i dont like armor piercing


I’m referring to goofball mages who be like “hmm yes I shall play like a rock with legs and run away all the damn time while not taking any damage”

vitality is different since, yknow, we need to use our HP to cast our abilities.

also AP wouldn’t affect any vit build since we’re just directly affecting the HP stat instead of using defense to increase it

Some genius ass ideas appeared at reminders-but-talking-is-allowed

in that case, the clashing power boost should be quite small if you don’t invest alot into it, otherwise it just makes you win 99% of clashes.

The drawback is that you lose a plenty of your other stats by investing hardly into AP