Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Warm water gets into a argument #195034

why do i feel like I’ve seen that somewhere, what media is it from

Yea vetex has been focused on armour sets and the new stats mostly right now, he still has to complete the first chapter and the second one too

Imo, piericing should be not an armor stat, but rather, a weapon stat.
Does anyone still remember Artasian weapons?

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That… would actually be quite cool imo.
I like that.
Warrior exclusive weapons that give peculiar stats.

Could even be a good way to use warrior 2nd awak, either with the famous 4th won slot, so to increase stat total, or simply increasing stats given by Wpns on warriors.

Just my opinion tho.

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You know how spear and trident are litteraly useless? Well give those weapons piericing properties along side with rapier.

another “do you remember”
Do you remember how balance team suggested warrior’s awakening being each weapon having its unique type of status effect, bludgening etc.


that’d be awesome.

Seems that I have missed this suggestion. Sounds very logical, and piercing would perfectly fit spears, tridents and rapiers, I agree

me watching my dmg being cut in half bc my opponent charges his attacks (i can no longer punish people when they charge they attacks for no reason at all)

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not a top pvper but my god, 4K hp build over anyone with high agility

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bro cmon, i used spear to beat up people :sob:, dont make my boy spear look that bad

I am bad with aim, and thrown spear is slow compared to an arrow or a bullet, so first skill isn’t usable for me. I also bad with grabs, so second skill is not usable for me too. I wouldn’t have used a weapon for just one of its skills. But I am sure you have both good aim and skill in grabbing, so good luck with it!

i like to poke people, and once i poked someone too much, he went on his self synergy lighting sailor, and he died, i only used the spear, i love the spear



New set

  • Senator Shirt
  • Senator Pants
  • Senator Glasses
  • Senator Tie


Gives defense and resistance


“Why won’t you die!?”
“Resistance gear son! It reduces damage taken from you filthy metamancers, you can’t hurt me!”
(Metamancer lands their ultimate art)
“What’d I just say?”


@CrimsonCreate @Cryonical PURGE TIME!!!

I guess charging for longer is more viable in pvp now?

… ?

add a stat called “conductivity” for boats in the dark sea that makes ships (and possibly players) take reduced damage from lightning strikes and grants them a new “charged” status effect which makes them deal more damage and have higher attack speed temporarily

conductive cannons get a special effect where they absorb lightning strikes and other adverse weather effects to imbue them into their cannonballs, this stacks with arcanium too.

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