As one last attempt to spread ‘Christmas cheer’ before the holiday happens…

The potato sack boy is staying 150 w

(im just more comfortable using weapons than fs + sos mirrored river)

Resetting my conj to thermolord out of spite :triumph:

always up to help

Merry christmas to my fellas

his art inspires me to draw once every month

my bestie <3 love her drawings

he inspires me to be worse every day

same thing as banana but even worse


It’s really been a long year, but quite a fun one despite that. I’m happy you have all left a page in my story in your own way.

@ImaLettuce Thank you for the christmas gift, you’re the first one to give me something this christmas! Like look at this lil thing! It’s so adorable, it’s so squishable!

@DubiousLittleTyp0 and @Flayire Thank you for all your company whether it be in the forums comments, in the trusted chat or in discord. It would have been a very lonely time without you guys.

@Randomness I really appreciate all your writings and projects and you letting me into participating in them. It’s incredible how much inspirations and encouragements you’ve given to me over the months for everything.

@Crimsonpants Thank you for setting the example and standard of what I hold all my writing pieces to. All your writing from Midas to Lost in the Dark Sea has been breath-taking.

@JTN I really appreciate all your help with the statue project, it would have taken a significantly longer period of time without your help with accessories!

@Catean For giving me the opportunity to work on your game, I really can’t thank you enough for accepting me despite my inconsistent working schedule.

@Bluemin_Night From one trigun lover to another, thank you for lighting up my day every time I see you post!

@FISHDOGFORTHEWINNN Thank you for the surprise birthday gift, I didn’t expect anyone to really care about my birthday but that brought some hope back to my eyes and even made me tear up a little when I saw it on the replies. Thank you for caring.

@wmdrayal I really appreciate you for all your continued support of my projects even if I can’t finish some of them. You’re also the first one to make fan art of any of my games, so you hold a special place in my heart for that :heart:

And to everyone else who I don’t have the space to list: Thank you for being here. You’ve added your own little part to the great melting pot of the forums no matter how small it is. You may not notice it now while the pot is still brewing, but trust me the flavor of your spice will show in the final dish.


someone’s going to inevitably ping vetex to wish him a jolly and merry holiday and then instantly get banned


Get randomnessed. Keep going. Don’t stop.

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Why thank you good sir. You ain’t too shabby yourself :+1:.
Shout out to @LightClarity for one of the best artist collabs.
@Tobi for all his amazing contributions to the art community.
@Ramen1 for the under appreciated suggestions.

And thanks to all the forumers for keeping this community great place.

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Red, festive hats off to @anon94879859 , @rouver2345 , @stellarii_xx , @ozzie , and the recently joined @Mirage for being my favorite artists on the forum. Seriously, you all put in effort far more than I ever have, and it shows. Keep improving, all of you, and know that all that you make is beautiful.

Along with @DubiousLittleTyp0 for provoking the most conversation out of me. (Seriously l, I’ve replied to you 3 times as much as anyone else-)

And finally, for the biggest thank-you of all. I would like the thank the creator of the game itself, @vete-


This has honestly made my day, omg :face_holding_back_tears:

I’m so happy to be grouped with such amazing artists on here, even if I’m pretty new!! I’m grateful for all of the engagements that keep me wanting to make more art.

happy holidays to you as well!!

@GhostlySickle @FISHDOGFORTHEWINNN, @stellarii_xx @motormikester
I wanted to thank you guys for the kind words, I appreciate them a lot :pleading_face:, everytime I see one of these I get really shy and often don’t mention the people I want to mention, there are just too many good things about you guys and I blank out everytime, but I really wanted to let you know it means a lot and I think you guys are awesome aswell :people_hugging:


Not only I have no friends but also you all forgot about me

The Christmas spirit has taken over. Just overcame an injury that shoulda left me without the use of my arm for months in a short time. Life is GOOD!

Lets get on, I got a LONG list!

Team Aristaeus

Part 1

@ImaLettuce One of my first friends on the forums, basically like the forums little brother, I don’t think there’s a single person on the forums that hates lettuce. Just a likeable little goofball who gets along with everyone. Second friend ever to gift me some art of one of my characters, which is something I treasure greatly! Greatly appreciative to know em’!

@Goopman Mostly got to know Goop through Lettuce and Darkane Odyssey, and watching him progress the teams art piece day by day had me hyped beyond belief to go on the big adventure with the team. His mastery of effects to enunciate his art is almost unbelievable.

@WarmWater Super passionate person with a knack for speed! Water was one of the first people to introduce me to the idea of meme builds, inspired my goofy max-health paladin build in a roundabout way. Also huge thanks for being one of the people who spread the word of my sea monster idea- definitely contributed to the suggestions rise to the top of the forums!

@DubiousLittleTyp0 A fellow Vitality lover, Dubious is someone I always like hearing the two cents of around the forums topics I lurk on. Stalwartly standing up for Vitality & spirit weapons! Can’t spoil much, but I know the fight won’t last forever. Keep it up while you can though, make sure everyone knows how important Vitalities completion is!

@sock A great guy who makes sure reminders are posted on the forums almost as soon as they appear on the trello. It’s a small job some would think but it’s a valuable contribution to the forum community and those who don’t lurk the trello, giving everyone a heads up when something new pops up- almost at the moment of.

@Bio Can’t forget Bio, my hero on the forums who made me the coldest god damn roblox statue I have ever seen! Out of everyone of the forums, you have one of the most creative minds, understanding perfectly the balance between philosophy and art when it comes to expression through your games & places. Anyone else would have come off as corny, but with the right combo of music & effects you built one of the greatest memories that I’ll hold onto forever with those round of statues!

Farerflare Flare.

Thats it

Flare is one of the forum members I remember seeing around the longest. Another forum boomer, like me, whose stuck it around in the long run. A great, mature member of the community who helps keep me from feeling like I’m the oldest around haha.

Da Forumers

Part 2

@arlyborg THE king of Cooking himself. The man you ALWAYS let into the kitchen. Glad to have watched your journey, see you get recognized as AO’s Master Chef, and then on top of all that you got Tester! Might be weird for an acquaintance to say they are proud, but ey, I am.

@pristine On the other side of cooking, we have the king of Brewing. The first tester I ever really got to know, and it’s been great! You killed it on the balance team as well, and help break down any questions people have and provide concise logic behind the decisions you make.

Divanochi You know, funny enough, for the longest time I didn’t know you were a forum mod. Didn’t talk or act like one, and it wasn’t until someone explicitly asked for you to do something a few months ago that I actually put two-and-two together. You keep the forums together, sometimes it seemed almost entirely on your own, all the while being a regular chill member of the community.

@Cryonical You trusted me, shared Rope with me, and it was all up from there! You reminded me that I have been slacking on my own writing, and without even realizing it I slipped behind and you shot ahead. Soon, you’ll be a published author, and you’ll get to push up your glasses and tell everyone else how to write-

In reality, you’ve been a real inspiration to me. Made me realize I’ve been stressing too much over the how’s, why’s, when’s, etc. All I really should have been doing is writing and ignoring all the worries that told me otherwise. So here’s to you, and Rope.

(PS, if anyone reading this wants to read Rope, here ya’ go)

[🪻] - Rope

@CrimsonCreate Another one of my heroes, this time someone who inspired me to get back into modeling. Anyone here whose ever thanked me for my ‘cool suggestions’? You have Create to thank for that. Without CrimsonCreate, I never would have had the confidence or inspiration to push my suggestions out there. They taught me a lot, wouldn’t be where I am in the community without em’.

ins Someone else who I am not overly close to! But, still, a forumer legend who rose from the art category to an official modeler for AO. Just wanted to again thank Ins for takin’ the time to talk to me about some modeling things, advise me, teach me, all that fun stuff!

JTN AO “leakers” #1 supplier. Had the pleasure of talking with JTN a few times, each time, you’ve been a joy to know. Even showed me around your own animation studio, pulled back the curtain as it were, and I got to hear the new metal clash sound from you because of that. Anyway, though we haven’t talked in a while, I wish you happy holidays!

Retribution Another forum regular I’d recognize anywhere, (Also a boomer like Flare & I). I greatly appreciate the kind words you sent my way, but you shouldn’t sell yourself short either! You as well are one of the more mature AO community members, and these forums wouldn’t be the same without cha’!

Randomness Another one of my forum friends, and a fellow Patreon dweller, like myself. You were in fact one of the reasons I got patreon, though don’t ask me for the specifics! Still, it’s nice to have someone to discuss patreon info with. Community discussion outside the forums can quickly devolve, so I like to stick close to everyone around here, especially people like you. Also you are probably one of the funniest community members.

Bluemin_Sword LOVE AND PEACE, LOVEEE AND PEACE! Just felt like bringing you up since you are a fellow Trigun connoisseur! Yet, the nice things I have to say don’t end at ‘we both like this one series’. You have this fun air about you that livens up any chat you partake in. Not like you are purposefully trying to make jokes or anything, but you have the energy of someone whose just having a good time, and that I always appreciate.

Lot more people I want to appreciate too, Perf, Bear, acko, (pretty much all the artists actually), Tobi, Unlucky, Wmdrayal, and so many, many more but I got family coming over, I gotta cut this short. (Also, there is only a 10 person mention limit per post on the forums and I broke that as you can see near the end haha)

Have a good holiday, everyone. See ya’ in the new year.



Happy holidays Crimson

Shout out to ItsNotMe for making many beloved topics :clap:

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You were the guy who made me get into in plain sight 2 where (coincidentally) two other artists are
And that game is just plain fun so I cannot thank you enough for such a fun experience

Also, @Key is the only person I can think of who can defy the statement of myself being a likable little goofball

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@ImaLettuce very cool, also some really cool characters and good art
@Goopman very cool, also made that group picture for aristaeus when the dark sea came out, a really nice way to start the update
@WarmWater very cool, also based stat maxxer
@DubiousLittleTyp0 very cool, also has some interesting world building and characters
@Crimsonpants very cool, also led aristaeus
@Bio very cool, also made a bunch of statues of everyone, probably one of the coolest events i’ve seen on the forums
@Divanochi very cool, also one of the main trello posters and the one who’s been around the longest as far as i know, you earned that leader role
@Flayire very cool, also somehow managed to complete the game with potions only


The suffering we endure now will be worth it when we will be able to unleash the true power of our souls onto the warseas

the Order of Aesir will fear the color green.

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I’m bad at remembering names :frcryin:

@PinkButterflyGaming the most and only sain person on the forum also very big brain :+1:

@fartman1314 the only one who somehow enjoys my dumb jokes :frhigh:

@switchbladeadrenalin defeated china :moyai:

@A_friendly_Bear naked man :pig_nose:

@opticalcord he new to the forum like me and like a bro :facepunch:

@Tobi the goat :fire:

@OneAndOnlyFrancis chill asf :slightly_smiling_face:

@rouver2345 naked man drawing :pig_nose: :triumph:

@wmdrayal bro is a real one also smart asf :muscle: