As one last attempt to spread ‘Christmas cheer’ before the holiday happens…

:water_magic_var4: > :water_magic_var1: :water_magic_var2: :water_magic_var3:

I don’t even use it in game.

i might have some answering to do too then


Sock… how could you do this to me :sob:

i have three files that’ll have it once second awakening releases

i like cyan, second favourite colour, so i chose the cyan water

That’s it

You’re being demoted from sock to barefoot


Nah, I just shined a light. No one woulda’ cared if you didn’t put in that much effort yourself. You absolutely earned every bit of your community fame. Hope long into the future as AO starts drawing in more and more returning players you’ll be getting a buncha newbies oogling over that well-deserved title.


@Misinput for being a good skill issue this year

Eat sand

Truly. (I am now in Beijing, the capital which probably is the most secure about internet.)


I might be a bit late, but let’s do this (Most of y’all probably hate me, but I don’t really care today)

@justarandomguy You read my writing pieces when I posted them. You pretty much supported me when I first joined the forums. Thank you for being with me since the start.

@Bio You were with me the day I said I went to China. You are a very considerate person who genuinely read my travel vlog. Overall, you’re a good mate, and I appreciate that.

@anon94879859 Always makes art makes everyone on the forum absolutely wild and become insane. Keep it up. I love the reactions.

ALL the artists (new and veterans): Honestly, you artists somehow manage to light up the forums just by putting some pen on some paper. You all have a talent that some people (like me) can only dream of ever having. I hope to see some more fabulous creations in 2024.

All the writers: The English language is a wonderful method of communications, and the writers (anyone, really) have a knack of being to manipulate words into the most majestic peace of literature to exist. I thank you all for the stories I have read.
To the seasoned writers. I hope to join your ranks one day, but that goal is too far away from my reach.

And of course, Vetex (I won’t ping him, of course), for creating this game that made this thriving community. And everyone that helped him.

Honestly, pinging individuals feels like an insult to me somehow. What good is pinging individuals?
I would like to thank EVERYONE on the AO forums for making this year such an amazing one, even though I only joined in July. Arcane Odyssey was probably the one of the best things I have stumbled across, and has exposed me to a community that I shall treasure. I can end this year happy, and with satisfactory closure because of all of you.




No really, thank you. (I changed it slightly. @justarandomguy )

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Memories forgotten truth goes unspoken

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Oh yes, I forgot, you asked me to write a story. My first ever commission, and I can never forget that. Thank you.

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Second person to remember me. Thanks mate

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@ImaLettuce certified gamer

@sock sock sock the ice dock

@Crimsonpants makes me crimson my pants

@anon44124357 made me aware of ao in the first place, thanks


are ya winning

faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster

@rouver2345 :money_with_wings:

@Tobi inspired me to obtain illustrator and make magic circles myself instead of being a lazy b


can’t really say I know any you folks well, and I doubt any of you know who I am, but most of you seem like good people, and I hope you all have a merry Christmas.


What are you talking about?

Well anyways, let’s mention a few people that i like:
@wheatwhole- For being a helpful person in the forums, thanks to your OC scaling system.
@beewaxical- for being an amazing friend of mine.
@Flayire- you seem like a cool person to talk to, even though i started my Forums journey in December 6.
@despiboi- an amazing artist that i started a friendship with :fist_right: :fist_left: , we’ll see how our journey goes further.
@Mirage- For being an amazing artist, even though i started seeing your artworks when i started my Forums journey, you even drew one of my OC’s :fist:
@DubiousLittleTyp0- you seem like a pretty chill person when it comes to talking.
@sock- pretty cool forumer ngl.
@Skenana- even though i only saw you through replies, i sense potential in you, keep up the good work. :fr:

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