Ass or Pass: The Spearbreaker's Organization

What’s up all of you amazing people? I’m back with another Ass or Pass Guild Review! Basically, I will judge whether a guild is good or bad based off of three main factors: The Guild Leadership, The PvP, and the Community!

Today I will be reviewing Spearbreak, another recent guild by @Pox . Percy has spent a long time trying to build up his guild and make it the best it can be. I do remember it being one of the oldest of these waves of new gen guilds.

Although it is a new gen, I do somewhat respect the grind that they had put into Spear in order to make it an average guild. I do think this is where other new gens lack considering some like Kingdom of Fire had payed for most of their infamy in crowns at the start. No matter the outcome, I hope Percy knows that I somewhat respect his self consciousness of his members conduct.

Guild Leadership

Percy is hands down one of the best leaders that I have seen as of late. Not only is he a nice person to talk to, but he is also self aware of how some of his members act and is able to cut those members off the guild. Also, he spends time to hesitate with cutting them off the guild. This shows that he will makes friends of those people but also does what he does for the greater good of the guild. For this, he gets an easy pass.

PvP Skill

Is Spear good at PvP? No. I don’t feel scared for my infamy when they join the server. That only makes the grind for average more admirable. Regardless, I do have fond memories ganking Spear in the age of Armada and them logging on my join. I conclude that Spear’s PvP is Ass.


Spear’s community was Ass for a while. It is notorious for housing Tomithebosslevel king of egos, Sparkysalmon lord of bad takes, and Karma who is literally the weirdest fanfiction writer on the planet. This would have gotten Ass, but, Percy has kicked all of these three out of Spear. This is a nod to his good leadership and his excellent ability to move forward from the dark past of Spear into a brighter future. This effort cannot go unnoticed, and for that, Spear Passes in Community.

So in my opinion Percy’s choices have led his guild to be deemed Pass . Do you think I was wrong? Put your opinion in the replies! And reply with your guild’s name if you want to be reviewed next! Until then, have a good day, Onyx out.


Church of yelling at puppies

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I like this series.

Now do Suncry. That would be interesting.

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i agree with you :sunglasses: Though i did not know spearbreak existed few weeks ago, now i have respect of them. Also props to the leader for leading the guild really well :+1: !

thats a easy pass. lol

why did he say the spell breakers were new gen
they ahve been here before guilds have came out

Do Pandemonioum or Black bulls


the what

Please don’t spread false facts, we had only payed for 20. That is not most of it

do Salvatore mortale

ass. :yum:

I am totally biased and say ass coz one person got mad that I accidentally somehow hit them with a high accuracy beam attack.

it was at the beginning of KoF

it did seem like a majority at the start

By the time we had even realized it wasn’t allowed we only payed for 20 and had 500 infamy :fr:

don’t do acquire because you will give them a pass when they’re obviously ass

acquire would be all passes