Assistance needed regarding memory leak

i’ve noticed when a grapeshot fires it lags the server

this isn’t really relevant, but holy shit, we need an option to disable debris particles. fighting in towns is a fucking nightmare because if i use an aoe ability that destroys structures, my fps tanks to 1-digit


Honestly I think like Ravenna might cause most of the fps problems. Once you visit it you will lag no matter where you are, at least for me.
I have no idea why that would be, maybe due to how many objects you can destroy? Mt. Othrys works just fine for me. Maybe its due to the amount of npcs that load in both as a part of the story and in general?

the game ui is a huge impact on your performance, notwithstanding any server-related memory leaks (i never hit my fps cap on this game)

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cooking for sure
I was cooking for a looong time to get my stuff to perfect, by the time i stopped the game was terrible to play (had to hop)

I think I’m able to reliably reproduce this particular leak. It looks like it occurs every time you equip the fighting style. I joined a server on my warlock build, could M1 with no lag, then I equipped and unequipped a couple dozen times, and that’s where I started getting major lag spikes with each M1.

I can provide a video if needed.


I dont really know if this counts but destroyed buildings will lag the area pretty significantly even after it rebuilds itself, it does get better after a while though

Is it F9 to turn that on?
The fps thingy

Shift + F2 for the one on the left

Thx, I’ll try to contribute as a shadow poison mage soon.

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ive opened it… and i cant understand it.
so what am i supposed to be looking for

Heartbeat is your rendering FPS, and generally what you want to look at when you’re experiencing slows. Try to take note of what’s happening around you whenever it seems to consistently stay low

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You can also press shift f5, that shows less complicated stuff

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I tend to drop in fps when fighting and sailing, expecally near or at ravenna. I can hardly fight sometimes and sail. My fps will drop and it will keep my boat moving into objects without letting me stop it or move it. I also look at my ping while my fps drop and it goes to 100k and keeps going until i get kicked.

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There was one i tooks note, altho i was looking at the FRM config…

I sunk around 3 ships, went to sailors lodge to drop the chests off.
Then I noticed when I jumped into the water and came back up it went from 12 to 4.
Maybe it’s something about water dripping on to the deck.

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Doing 20 beam poison, on munera caused significant lag and the lag continued even after a long period time, no lag before this 20 beam, memory leak is likely caused by the particles(?)

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Was fighting a friend with fine fps until i decided to swap a weapon out for Greatsword (if that matters, idk) then started to lag hard during the fight, then once i died i noticed that everytime i dashed my game’s fps would get halved