Assistance needed regarding memory leak

so i have a relatively good pc and ive never had long enough game sessions to drop fps, but i know that the fstyle imbue thing IS a memory leak, HOWEVER it is not the source of servers dying. from what ive seen, it only lags the client on m1s, and nothing else. doesnt affect server lag.

i think it probably is particles, most likely related to bosses or player skills, as the laggiest servers ive seen are ones with many clans in it (probably due to bounty hunting/wars)
even when the players werent actively fighting.

If you die while you’re BLOCKING when you respawn you will no longer be able to use skills, M1, T jump, or sprint.
pls fix

I noticed while playing that using arcanium rams (for me precisely the fire ram) would cause immense lag when used, and for some time after.

Hi i m having fps drops on Ravenna Rubica i m using warrior build i was just running around and i got drop

The random fog weather that happens sometimes absolutely destroy both my ping and fps, and it stays like that for the entire game

What i’ve noticed with warlord and conjurer is that after playing at least 1 hour without dying, removing infusion from your weapon will couse FPS drop to 0 for 1 or more secounds, same when infuising it with magic or fighting style.

Another thing that i’ve noticed is old server has tendency to drop FPS, especialy in Ravenna where most players spawn. My guess is that Vetex’s script that unload stuff unload terrain’s debree and made new "part"s whenever you destroy/split buildings and saves it and load it back in when players are close enaugh, cousing script that has job to delete debree after few secounds unable to delete them becouse it no longer exist in Workplace

oh my god you’re right thats weird

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Try to report that on the Discord server, there is bug reports among with exploit reports.
Since its doesn’t cause frame drops.
(I mean, its will be easier for them to analyze your problem)

Serious consideration should be given to player inventories being a problem. I know a couple people have pointed this out, but when you open a large inventory- ESPECIALLY in the trade menu, you can lose a huge amount of frames. I have about 100k items in total (Including of course, things like 1000 coconuts). When I open my inventory it can tank my fps, and sometimes trying to trade with people can cause outright freezes. I know this because changing who I am trading with (if they also have a big inventory) causes ANOTHER lag spike.

So yeah, somethings funky with how inventories are read client-side.


Just moves in general seem to cause memory leaks. Im 1v1ing this one and the fps seems to get worse after every fight. He was a poison conjurer. I also noticed after I fight calvus in a server the lag you get from being around him never goes away.

on my magic imbuement slots: poison conjurer acid warlock
it gets laggier and laggier the more times i fight

destroying structures seems to lag it a lot

a heavy navy ketch went after me once and once i was fighting it my fps died (4 fps)
kept persisting even after i killed everyone, so I had to rejoin (once i rejoined the lag was gone though)
heres the video

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introduce this guy to the club

Its likely to be related, but it doesn’t have to be. I can’t tell as I am not a dev but for people with Low Performance computers the sails slowly start to be longer and longer. I will provide a screenshot as soon as I play the game long enough in one sitting for that bug thingy to happen, though I’m pretty sure someone could confirm it for me as well.

hey so was plasma imbuement on basic combat lumped in with the thermofist memory leak or is that a new thing

i found one possible cause but im not 100% sure
basically whenever i have notoriety and i dont clear out the marines my fps drop a lot, especially when they dont have a clear way to pathfind to me
I think theyre causing a lot of lag, and i have some example clips to sorta prove it

in this first clip, im being ddossed by the marines that spawned on me

this is my fps the moment i give them a clear path/view towards me
as you can see, its a pretty big change

(another example of it)

so what i think is happening is that the marines have a hard time pathfinding to me/ are finding overcomplicated ways to get to me (since im on a cliff and not in front of them)
one way to fix this would maybe be to lower the times per second a marines path towards you updates (the level 20-30 ones not the 80+ ones) (im not sure if you can do this)
or just straight up make the level 20-30 marines stupid and give them worse ai so it hopefully fixes it

or any solution that isnt thought up by a dude that doesnt do scripting

(idk if this counts as a memory leak or not since on one hand if you keep running from the marines you wont be able to play but on the other it is fixable by killing them)

I can confirm. Also, the longer you stay on a server you worse you lag.

The sails are likely to be related to that issue.