Attack Speed Soft Cap

Guys :sleeper:
I heard a rumor recently, is it true that Attack Speed Softcaps at 50.

My build is literally based around attack speed :frcryin:

How do you know?

I heard from a rumor, and I remembered a patch before release where Vetex nerfed Attack Speed
Im not actually sure, which is why im asking

i want to know if this rumour is true too tbh

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What’s a soft cap?

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This is where I heard it, check out this thread

basically, it’s an amount where putting more points into a stat starts to give extreme diminishing returns

Rip, i think its false I’ve seen max speed builds and its def not the same as my 50 atk speed

it’s not that it stops scaling, it’s just that the scaling decreases a ton so you need a lot more points for comparatively little gain

saw this when looking for softcaps, Im asking the exact value at which it starts to somewhat plateau to remove some of my atk speek and put it into agility

Unfortunately I can’t really find a solid answer, I’m not sure if anyone that isn’t on the tester balance team knows the exact amount

Can’t wait for Fluect to answer this in a random vetcord convo two months in the future

nah istg it gets way faster the more you have

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i think its like 70-80 but its not that noticeable, people are just picky about minmaxing all the stats

You’re correct about the logarithmic scaling, however I wouldn’t call any specific value a “soft cap”. The difference between, say, 70 and 288 Agility is quite noticeable.

Attack Speed is the same, but by nature alone, it is more noticeable on slower spells, techniques, and abilities than it is on faster ones. The difference between 70 and 288 Attack Speed on something as quick and smooth as a Flash Strike, for instance, is hardly noticeable in regards to startup (though is still fairly potent on endlag). On something slower in both startup and endlag, however, like Colossal Striking Gale, it’s noticeable, just not by any massive margin.

We want to work on ways to make higher values of Attack Speed more valuable, but it’s more of a future and long-term goal than it is an immediate aim. Would require some changes to the formula, which is always a hassle. (No, Vetex does not give stat formulas to even the balance team).

TLDR: The phrasing ‘soft-cap’ is a little misleading, as scaling is theoretically infinite, but by its nature, Attack Speed isn’t very beneficial to stack past a certain point.


I am a wood user sir, I have to do this

Why is that? That sounds pretty weird to do, especially for the team responsible for deciding how things should be changed to make the game more fair


:man_shrugging: Wish I knew. We’d really like to make changes to stat scaling formulas in preparation for the Nimbus Sea, but it’s a long process with a LOT of math. Expect some eventually, but without an exact baseline it’s a little harder. We have approximations, though.

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make it like dark souls stat scaling once you do get that baseline :older_man:
like the bosses

Add a soft cap for atk size