Banks have been removed!

  1. Weaker codes will unfortunately still be in AO.
  2. It takes way less than 30 mins to get max crowns with codes.
  3. It will be harder to get galleons in AO because of the mostly chestless ocean between islands. Also, we don’t know if bosses will be grindable. Also, the level cap will keep increasing, meaning the galleon cap will increase too.

As long as codes exist, code farming will be the easiest way to get money.

the game didn’t even release what the fuck are you on about.

no he didn’t say that

LOL i was going to link the same topic

source: trust me bro

cap, chest farming crowns for max crowns = 1 hour, around that, even if i get lucky with a bunch of chests, it isnt that fast.

? I didn’t say reasons how i just said it would be harder

they won’t bru

I linked the post in my next comment.

I was agreeing with you in that one (the confusion is my fault for putting an agreement in a list of critiques)

everyone knows galleons are going to be harder to obtain bru

actually u right, he didn’t hint it but it’s very obvious he will. I’m just assuming but it’s the only logical thing to do to keep the economy from crashing/being unstable.

who said that and where? the game didn’t even release

well, my case stands. Lower galleon codes + they will expire faster.

bro the game releasing doesn’t play any part in this. Literally entire discord servers KNOW galleons/crowns will be reset due to the infinite money abuse. Makes complete sense.

that only stops code farming from being exploitable, there’s many ways to earn money apart from that

doesn’t matter, I can GURANTEE galleons will be harder to obtain. In fact, they WILL be harder to obtain. What’s your point bru this is getting tiring.

yea no i just thought about it they’re def getting wiped

Crowns in WoM were damn easy to get without codes. How do you know that when the game hasn’t been out yet boss farming, fishing etc what’s your reason.

Eventually, once the level cap is 1000 and there are repeatable quests that give hundreds of thousands of galleons, they’ll be easier to obtain. However, on AO’s release, they’ll probably be harder.

Idk i just feel like it, listen man it’s 2 AM rn i’m tired asf and bored asf.

vetex just erased banks to stop players from cheating death, that could mean that the money farming techniques have only gotten easier.

not true, treasure items


or just add a protection tax to putting your money in the bank

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And how to rob something now?!

Do you have any idea as to how ridiculously easy getting galleons will be? Preset locations for enemies sounds completely effortless rather than wondering around looking for (or avoiding lol) a fight, not to mention the far less amount of the realm of the borderline walking simulator lol.

I’m not really sure how much I thought about this when first finding out about the banks being removed but now that I have thought about it…weeeellll…I just came to the most pleasant of realizations…I can totally just murder people and steal their money! :poggers2: Oh how I can’t wait to kill people and steal cash while watching their (ok so I can’t, sue me) expressions turn to looks of this :sleeper: HA! :mariomug: Can you tell I’m having a ton of fun with the emojis right now?