Big Changes in the Lore Doc

I know that, I’ve read the series. I just thought it was a coincidence and not taken from the book

also the life essence part

what is this lore change

Wait, what was oberon in inheritance cycle? It’s been a long time since i read it and I don’t remember like half of it

finally got my thoughts together:

  • new changes to the magic system are really interesting, especially how casting magic circles now requires a high level of spirit energy as well (lowkey glad the soul magic stuff is gone, that was really confusing)
  • more explanations on the war of the gods and arthur’s history are always welcome
  • theos is BRITISH now, though I’ve always imagined him to have an english accent so it works tbh
  • I vibe with durza’s new name, but honkai will forever make it hard for me to not think of another acheron instead lmao
  • I do actually like how there’s real cities now but at the same time I’ll miss the made up stuff like Ian’s Cross and Oberon


Muahahaha i dont even need to call him Acheron since the lore doc mentions that Acheron is just a nickname, therefore i can headcanon that his birth name is Durza!!! take that vetex game!


Honestly, Durza sounds like a name I would give to my firstborn

Few questions:

  1. It says that if one raises its spirit energy he may unlock magic, so where does all that discussion about being born with your first mind unlocked go?
    Is it no longer necessary or you have to be born with both your mind unlocked and high spirit energy to use magic?
    Is the story about how, if you are born without magic no amount of training can change that, still valid?

  2. How does one increase his spirit energy?
    Will it be explained?

  3. How do experimental curses and elemental curses compare if one is pure spirit energy and the other pure magic energy?
    What I mean is, do they both have the same weaknesses?
    Can they both be extracted by devourers?

Wait, I just realized-

Remember how Poseidon gave us some glowy blue orb of light when getting our Awakening?

I used to speculate that was his Spirit Energy and he entrusted it before fading away. But I used to wonder how that would buff the MC since I used to think Spirit Energy is only exclusively important for Oracles or Vit-class.

With the changes in the lore explaining magic, we may have an answer to that now. Because Spirit Energy is directly linked to Magic Circle casting… being given extra Spirit Energy would probably give us a power boost overall, not just from Awakening.

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I am crying coping malding seething

Funnily enough, after a quick search, the only non-“vetex wanted to connect Theos to real geography” reason to rename Oberon that I found, is that it’s just one letter off from Aberon, an actual place in the Inheritance Cycle.
(If I am not misremembering it entirely, he originally said something about Oberon being changed because of Inheritance Cycle?)

sounds a lot like enizor idk
maybe im just schizo

Despite it being part of the lore for a long time I just realized that Acheron casting off his physical form does give credence to my idea about Tucker using his spirit energy to do the same but in a more positively aligned way. Basically becoming a free floating soul that’s able to interact with the cast in some way, similar to the ghosts in the Dark Sea or Akursius Keep.

Don’t remember if it was part of the old lore doc, but it’s mentioned in the AA Webcomic

Am I the only one who completely likes Durza’s new name? Acheron just sounds really fitting to an antagonist, to me.

I like it too, you ain’t alone man

It just needs getting used to. Extra for me cause I already associate that name with another game character… :sob:

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HSR players will never recover from this :pensive:

I like it, although we’ll all need to get used to it given that it’s only been his name for less than a day.

Can someone break down why some people only use magic and others only use spirit energy with these new changes to lore, cause I’m a little confused here.