Butterfly's Doodle Thread

Hmm, now that you mention it, something always felt off whenever I exclude backgrounds and the environment from my art and only focus on the character. If I only color the character and just leave the background blank. Which is funny because Im the least experienced when it comes to doing the background, I draw characters much more often.

I dont wanna do background, yet it always feel incomplete if I dont do it. Your explanation explains it a lot, I should probably practice them more often :thinking:

Oh yeah, I struggle with doing references and concept art a lot too, I guess Im more into dynamic art?

nah this is impossible. I don’t know who this is at all. My brain was fried trying to identify this individual.

I cant tell if this is a joke, but if it isnt, its Mei. Ghostly’s OC.

It… it was a joke.

Oh my god it’s my baby :face_holding_back_tears: I love it so much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gmskbmklbwenhw5kyira

Your style is distinct in its own way. It may look similar in some aspect, but every style is unique and distinct from another. I like how lively your art is, your sketches are really nice to look at ^^ something that i really like about your thread

Old sketch time!

This thing almost became my first art post, but uh, I didnt know that you had to submit stuff to be an artist first, so I held it off.

This was a basically lighting/color test, and I made this before Ava became a seperate character. As you’d imagine, this is basically based off the opening scene of AO.

I did this test cause uh… I wanted to make an AO comic actually… Im not sure about being able to do it now, maybe at least when AO’s story is ahead? :sweat_smile:


Did a little coloring test. With pencils. It was only the hair Im happy with, idk about the rest. (Outline looks thick, but the pen I used is actually for thin lines, the sketch was just that small, so yeah)

…I think I still prefer digital style.

Neviro cause he’s cool. He’s drawn slightly differently from the usual style, I think he’s neat

And Peacekeeper! Outfit is bound to change, but its likely itll remain similar. Idk if I should keep the name “Callum” or something else. Thoughts?


the envy is overwhelming.

Callum sounds alright.

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Okay, so Ive started sketching again, and I got a new outfit for Ava that will likely be her mid-game outfit.

Its been a while since I did dynamic poses! I miss these a lot~

(Full outfit in chibi form)

Im thinking of actually going back to actually making actual art posts on digital. I was actively burnt out of them because due to how tedious it felt because of perfectionistic tendencies. I just got the push I needed after watchinga certain video, so Ill probably get back on it~


Less of an AO sketch and more of an old vs new style comparison post.



I cant even remember which year I did the old drawing. It might even be 2018 for all I know, I cant remember. Its 2018-2019, somewhere there, idk-

Also, the thick shadows were done by my dad after a shading lessons, cause my family loves lectures :')
The drawings were left untouched tho.


There’s something charming about the old one, but the current style…
Man. It is so incredibly clean and crisp…

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Your old style just screams “undertale fan” (positive) to me for some reason

even if you weren’t i think its interesting that sometimes others could tell what communities ppl have been in based on what their art looks like, and that fans of certain medias have their own distinct characteristics :sob:

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(I like the new one tenfold)

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man that outfit looks drippy as hell, W fit

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Oh wow, you caught me-

Yeah, I was a fan somewhere in that period. The last time I posted fanart in a community was when I was active in the Glitchtale community

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I showed these drawings to my dad before taking pictures, he gave me shading lessons afterwards and did a demonstration. I think he used to do realistic charcoal drawings, so yeah.


I did a sketch in digital this time. This is basically my roblox avatar (the only reason why my current avatar is the way it is rn is because the design looked so good when drawn lol)

I wonder if I should change my pfp to this…

I might start doing more sketches in digital since Im finding a way on how to do them similar to traditional ones (tho I think it still takes longer)


Another sketch today, its Ava again, with how she looked throughout the ages.

Is cute :3


Remember that time where I said “Oh, I have a plan for Ava’s endgame outfit, but Im gonna tease it later” and all?

You know what? Fuck it. I’ll share it now here. My obsession with the design just came back to me again, and I dont think I can hold it back any longer lmao.

Colored sketch:

(Funny thought since her hair might cover the brooch, she just gonna do a hair flip after every battle lmao)

This is basically an outfit that I feel genuinely proud of, mostly cause Im personally not good at outfit designs, which is why I used to draw it A LOT. This one was somewhat inspired by some random fantasy outfit I saw online, but its still very different so yeah.

The floodgates have opened, expect me to share more of these one day lmaooo.