Butterfly's Doodle Thread

No the Philippines Airport (there’s another one, but it aint as big as that one). It was supposed to be the biggest airport in the country, wtf

Also, Im pretty sure Canberra has an airport, I flew there once for school camp… wait, it doesnt have international?

I know absolutely nothing about the Philippines but from what I can infer, you’re probably talking about some airport in Manila. (which, I have zero idea about how many there are :/)

Idk, it probably does, but I think Australia has the lamest capital city in the entire world and it’s barely even populated compared to Melbourne or Sydney.

They just planted Canberra there cause Sydney and Melbourne wanted the title, so they put a middle ground. Literally, they put Canberra between them :joy:

Thats probably why that place feels lame for a capital city lol. But it feels like a nice place to live, not too busy but not too quiet either…

bro I’ve never heard of Canberra before :skull: I thought one of the other two cities you mentioned were the capital. What kind of goofy ass name is Canberra bruh-

Whenever I think of the name “Canberra” back then, I always think of Cranberries

the wikipedia article is not helping me out here

No it’s literally speculated this is what “Canberra” is named after. (Named after whatever goofy ahh native language it was)

Though I think “meeting place” definitely makes more sense than “WOMAN’S BREASTS” cuz all the political stuff happens there.

Yeah that’s Aussies for ya.


Ah, the 3 main british colonies

We have America, the land of those who will murder eachother every thanksgiving and, honestly everyday.

We have Australia, the land of “nah bro the giant ass spider in my room doesnt bite” and naming their capital after women’s breasts.

And then we have Canada (excluding the french part), the land of people who are known to be incredibly good, in terms of being good people and in terms of breaking the geneva suggestion.

Okay, remember what I said about this? So I was coloring the sketch, did some stuff and realised how sick the lighting looked. I thought “Hey, maybe I shouldnt just dump this drawing in my lonely doodle thread and share it more to the public” cause damn, I think Im cooking with this one lol. So Ill likely post the full pic once I do the effects and other things (maybe clean up the sketch a bit).

Gold and blue lighting never looked so good together-


this is fire as hell, keep cooking.

but im ngl, lowkey I immediately thought of sonic the hedgehog when I saw her eyes n’ face and now im incredibly confused (at myself) :sob:

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I actually did get inspired by how someone did eyes on Sonic the Hedgehog and thats how my eye style changed. (I may or may not have gotten a sudden fixation at some point which was why I was missing…)

Are you psychic? :joy:

man no shot wth?

I mean, I assume its I recognized it because theres 2 things sonic related that live in my head rent free, both on opposing ends of the quality spectrum

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I dont have a fancy sketch for ya’ll today, all I did was draw a Magic Circle.

My vision for Storm Magic, I was surprised when other people didnt immediately think of this for Storm. Anyways, its main color is grey for dark clouds, and the aura is teal to represent lightning.

Its not as clean as it should be for a Magic Circle symbol tho (I didnt use a ruler for the lightning, for example)


other than the lightning looking a tad wonky and just my brain being nitpicky with the cloud for some reason, this circle is pretty sick looking, cook again.

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Yeah, I didnt use a ruler to make the lightning be cleaner (I was lazy), and I used a Circle ruler to do the clouds at first then stopped… cause I was getting lazy lmao

Ill probs do a more neater version later

I havent been posting, but I drew quite a bit in the past few days

Heres one that I really enjoyed: EYEESSSS

Just trying out a new style of thing after being inspired. I ended up doing all of them in a single day straight lmao


I love the tiny little teal glow in Morden’s, good detail

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2/4 done


Lemme guess. (I’m probably horribly wrong).

Callum or Iris (though I think it’s more likely Iris), Ava, Morden and Neviro

Drew Ava with a new eye color (I considered giving her teal eyes in the past)

Also, another variation of her endgame outfit cause Im forever indecisive on which side her sash should be on :joy: