Calling all ao players, bug report this and let’s get it fixed, SAVE AO BALANCE

oh nah i almost died to a petrify potion
i went to go bake a cake, go on a walk, graduated highschool, got married and had kids, came back and i was still petrified
this shit needs nerfing asap

why is this what you’re crying about and not throwable potions intentionally only being able to hit one person.

Like it doesn’t matter that a gel that takes like 3 hours of grinding and lasts for 3 minutes cheeses fights, what really matters is that an entire potion class is sort of completely stupid because “sharing potion effects” or something.

It doesn’t even make sense like why make it fire a check to see who is closer to the thrower instead of who is closer to the actual potion like why??

(for those wondering what I mean:)

because this bug completely breaks pvp and that bug is just an annoyance at worse?

this “bug” just makes people that have no social life easier to spot while the bug above is absurdly dumb and annoying and stupid and-

I have just realized both “bugs” (intentional decisions for some reason) are equally stupid and that we should just campaign for both to be changed.

i agree

This is why I want this idea to be added Potion Idea and reagents for it (just an Idea I had)

You can’t break out of stuns in ao. I checked and what I was thinking about when charging was the freezing status effect being cleared by for example magma or fire, not the frozen stun.

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I believe vetex intentionally made it so that stun synergies don’t work with gels, which I understand and I have no issues with, that’s for the better. Volcanic gel stunning for 7 seconds is absolutely stupid though

It would take you around 15-20 minutes of grinding to get two tier 5 volcanic gels, so they’re easy to get, I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this in this thread, but the guy I was fighting had 9 of them. And he later told me that he’d already been using them for a bit to hunt other leaderboard players, so he likely had more at the start.

Also about throwable potions, a mod told me that throwable potions only being able to hit 1 person is intentional, I don’t know why though


but vetex has intentionally made it this way.

What is vetex smokin?
Anyway can anyone tell me how to farm volcanic again?

This happened to me last night by the same dude. shit needs to be fixed

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Definitely sounds more like a bug and not a balance issue, when all stuns are meant to last for like a second and give a cooldown to prevent constantly being stunned by synergies, though regardless hopefully this gets changed, other gel potions should probably be looked at more closely too

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It’s not a bug, it was fully intentional, vetex knows it’s 7 seconds of stun. The testers also did, yet it didn’t get nerfed more before the update. Read the thread, oversights like these go in the bug report tickets

Ash piles (sand/snow pile shapes with a rock texture at Ravenna, harvest, whispering caverns, and skycliff island for example

oh no!! this is so horrible, how do you make this so i can be even more shocked!?
ok jokes aside this srsly sucks but i wanna try it on friends hahaha

no way they thought a 7 second stun was okay
didn’t vetex just nerf stun synergies?

This makes like no sense to me, freezing gel can’t stun with water abilities but volcanic gel can stun instantly with any ability instead of only heat based. Unless it’s based on tier which means a tier 5 ice gel can apply frozen on anything which is even worse and led to our current predicament

Selectorch told me vetex just forgot to nerf apparently, but hes deciding not to do an emergency nerf I assume, since its a simple number change we’d have seen it on the trello already if he cared

Freezing gel cant stun with synergies because only tier 4 and 5 gels are allowed to have stuns for balance purposes, even if its something like a frost gel+wind, or soaked+Arctic gel. (Arctic gel also doesnt stun at all, even with tier 4 or 5 potions) The reason you’re not able to stun with frost gel is because the high quality reagent isnt out yet, so you cant make tier 4 or 5 potions

Tier 4/5 gels that can stun will stun, you dont need a synergy

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