Calling all ao players, bug report this and let’s get it fixed, SAVE AO BALANCE

This is a clip of me being hit by 7 second stun from a tier 5 volcanic gel. Volcanic gels are easy to get and you could farm around 2 of them in 15 minutes or so

If anyone wants to, I strongly suggest you make a bug report in vetex discord about this, (include the clip below as the evidence of the issue) the more people who report it the higher chance vetex will actually do something about it, because this is completely game breaking.

Upvoting the post also helps



great to see that pvp is dead until this is changed/fixed, gotta be even more careful about random bounty hunting attempts on myself now.
potions are wild man.

First, it can’t be considered a bug report cause there’s no console logs (which is F9 if ur wondering) and just simply a clip of you being stuck there getting annihilated.

Second, this looks more of a balancing issue rather than a bug since things are seemingly going as intended w/ synergies. I don’t know about petrified going on for that amount of time but it’s likely the gel duration effect at play here.

Third, were u not able to break out of it in some way? Cause from what i can understand from stuns is that they’re:

A. too short to break out of them anyways. (Think paralyze i guess?)
B. Just you simply using a move and or dashing to break free from it.

Cause if not and ur able to replicate it and get console logs not being able to do B then it can constitute as a bug report w/ the logs included or just a general balance situation.

Adding the guide for Vetcord bug report submissions which applies here on the Forums.

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This is an oversight and they’re meant to stun for that long, I’ve talked to balance team, testers, and moderators but vetex has intentionally made it this way. Oversights are reported with bug report tickets

You’re not supposed to be able to break out of stuns, dashing doesn’t make you break free, only charging with certain magics that clear specific status effects do

I know it’s the gel effect duration, and according to a balance team member the nova/supernova tier 5 volcanic gel stuns for a whole 17.3 seconds which is absurd

I made this post to get vetex’s attention for an emergency fix, because this will stay in the game for 6 more weeks or so otherwise.

Potions are WILD

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Hmm… Might be me missremembering things then i guess. Cause i could’ve sworn they did smth around stuns that they could be broken out of if u did something unless it was replaced by how stuns have a cd of sorts. And possibly whatever the v1.13 Balance Doc potentially did.

I wouldn’t know since i’m mostly just a Warrior player waiting for Warden to come out and a light magic user. Synergies and stuns and the like are practically foreign as heck for me. Shrug

Anyways, rough that you got destroyed like that but at the same time i can’t help but laugh at the power of alchemy.

Someone said something about pinging 14 people in forums not being justified when it comes to this, and I’d just like to say that this is objectively justified, this completely breaks the game. Forums are a good way to contact vetex, and I don’t think pinging him in vetex discord would do anything. This is the most passive way I could think of. I’m gonna go to sleep now, I thank everyone who’s helping with this

I’m about 99% sure that you can break out of literally any stun effect other than paralyze with a magic jump or any other ability.

Be glad that guy didn’t just use a T3 gale nova potion and trap you in a whirlpool lol.

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jesus fucking christ…

i just fought against this gel and i can say you can’t break out of it

damn, that was definitely a thing back in WoM.

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I think w/ the pinging 14 ppl (in which who would that even consist of…?) not being justified part is in the context of randomly pinging in a topic. Regardless of whatever they meant it would be a lot better to just directly msg them if u can.


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I thought it was in AO too. I think gels just have unique properties that are completely different from current systems which would explain why synegies don’t work with some gels among other things

oh nah i almost died to a petrify potion
i went to go bake a cake, go on a walk, graduated highschool, got married and had kids, came back and i was still petrified
this shit needs nerfing asap

why is this what you’re crying about and not throwable potions intentionally only being able to hit one person.

Like it doesn’t matter that a gel that takes like 3 hours of grinding and lasts for 3 minutes cheeses fights, what really matters is that an entire potion class is sort of completely stupid because “sharing potion effects” or something.

It doesn’t even make sense like why make it fire a check to see who is closer to the thrower instead of who is closer to the actual potion like why??

(for those wondering what I mean:)

because this bug completely breaks pvp and that bug is just an annoyance at worse?

this “bug” just makes people that have no social life easier to spot while the bug above is absurdly dumb and annoying and stupid and-

I have just realized both “bugs” (intentional decisions for some reason) are equally stupid and that we should just campaign for both to be changed.

i agree

This is why I want this idea to be added Potion Idea and reagents for it (just an Idea I had)

You can’t break out of stuns in ao. I checked and what I was thinking about when charging was the freezing status effect being cleared by for example magma or fire, not the frozen stun.

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