"Canon" MC

this section of the lore doc has been here since like 2018, despite the fact it makes no sense seeing as it’s literally never been confirmed

All of his Magics and Curses are held in the Absorption Curse, so he doesn’t have that “weakness”, but he does gain the “weakness” of not having the defence of other Curse Users

the only limit is your lifespan iirc, there isnt a limit on the number of magic you can learn or anything

wait Acheron wants to rule the world now? is that new thing cause i thought this mofo was just want to get moar and moar powa

i still think that if he were to try and learn magic by himself the magics would still clash with the ab. curse tbh

something like

absorb a magic/curse → it (temporarily… probably) becomes a part of the ab. curse, rather than a separate thing → doesnt clash with anything as Archeron himself is still “empty” ( not counting the ab. curse )

learn a magic → in will get “contained” in Archeron himself, which will clash with the ab. curse like others

Durza’s goal has been “World Domination” since the start of AA. Something you should note is that , at the time, the Dark Sea wasn’t a thing, so his goal made far more sense.

But if you look at Durza from the new Lore standpoint, he looks like a fucking idiot. He wants to the rule world, but before he does that, he destroys it. This guy’s goal is literally to rule over chaos infested rocks.

All lore from AA is kinda shaky now, because Vetex is throwing random new shit at the AU to make AO more of an “impressive” game, which hurts AA because the foundations of the story make no fucking sense.

tldr: Vetex needs to remake AA or stop adding random shit like “dragons” to AO.

The Absorption curse is Experimental, which means it’s not attached to his body, which means no magic would clash. This is also the reason Durza can swim.

So no, Durza really has no reason to not use his new found Magic and Spirit Energy to just learn the magic himself.

Previously, Durza had an actual logical story barrier, which were minds. Before this “Magic and Spirit Energy” horseshit (:nauseated_face: ) the only requirement to use Magic was just have your mind open, which makes alot more sense because Minds (and Mutations by proxy) are individualised. Durza had a “closed” mind, which meant he quite literally couldn’t use magic, which made sense to why he used the Absorption.

dragon and other mytho creatures are fine imo ( unless he wants to remove the greek alternate timeline entirely )

but yeah most other stuffs are bad, lets just hope it gets better ig

The AU aint even greek atp, wtf is greek about the main characters being an Italic Ginger, a probably Sky Person Emo, a Germanic Albino Prince?? Okay wowser.s. the mc is a demi-god1!!!

(just reread this entire thread holy fuck i sound like a d1 hater :sob::pray:)

yeah honestly should have just made AU an original world

people aint gonna complain about it having gods and creatures of the same name in our world lol, authors do that all the time ( well, more small-timers rather big writers ig )

too late to back out now ig

Awakenings are cannon warren literally talks about them. That makes them an in world thing

Nah imo the Gods were handled perfectly, especially with how (little) they affect the plot.

Im thankful most of the Gods, who otherwise would have just ruined the plot via power-creep were killed for the sake of Lore, which was a good set up to what could have been the beginning of AA.

they’re an in-game thing but not an in-lore thing, it can get pretty confusing:

I’d like to thin they acquired water magic after interacting with Poseidon


The fact the mc is already pretty much established makes it feel like you are not really the protagonist of the game but rather someone taking their place.
It really spoils the fun of having your own build knowing that the character lore wise is supposed to use different things from what you have

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The Eagle Patrimony is a family heirloom so they probably use that and then learn to use other spirit weapons to. And obviously they would use magic, presumably lightning magic. Then after that they would use weapons or boxing.


we first spawn with a dagger not a sword though

I feel liķe in canon, MC doesnt actually get to use other Spirit Weapons except their own (Eagle Patrimony).

pirit Weapons are RARE af, people who use them are even rarer than mages, and only one type exists in lore. And the only way we can get more Spirit Weapons in-game is through defeating minibosses, where we get THEIR Spirit Weapons.

Minibosses that MC might not even fight in lore, and I doubt MC actually steals the weapons of their opponents in lore either… unless Ruthless is canon or something. (Either way, stealing from oppnents feels very… weird… in a story standpoint?)

I’d understand if Spirit Weapons are dug up with treasure charts or something, but they arent from what it looks like. In-game, we have to steal other people’s Spirit Weapons, and I doubt MC would do that unless if its for a good reason.

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Maybe their opponent gives them their spirit weapon or something

What would they use then? Like one of them literally relies on their Spirit Weapon entirely. And its also the only other way a person can match a Mage’s power. I dont think theyd be willing to give us that. Plus, we have our own anyway, MC can probs do more with their Spirit Weapon in lore compared to in-game.

I always liked to think he/she has blonde hair just like every other known teal lightning user

so are minds like the way people of the 7 seas understand the concept of magical limitations, while its different in the war seas?

No they are just retconned