Casting Animation Changes/Additions (Blasts/Beams)

Animations in WoM/AO need a revamp. For casting animations, a lot of them show minimal/no movement or just look bland and uninspired. I’ll also be making a few suggestions for potential new ones for more variety. Here are some ideas for each type of move. These take quite a while to make so I’ll start off with blasts and beams and make more in the future.

Link to other casting animations:

Blasts/Beams: Casting Animation Changes/Additions (Blasts/Beams)
Explosions and High Jumps: Casting Animation Changes/Additions (Explosions/High Jumps)
Hover and Mode: (UNRELEASED)


Blasts/Beam Rework

Clap - Arms lean back a bit when released. This will be done with a lot of animations to give a slight indicator when the animation is coming.
Drop Kick - Raise arms up when jumping for momentum.

Left/Right Hand - Slight twist of the body when releasing
Left/Right Hand Across - Arm gets pulled back slightly further when released.
Left/Right Hand Punch - You step forward before the actual punch.
Left/Right Hand Raise Up - Body faces forward at first, then twists to the side when released
Left/Right Hand Snap - Arm starts out bent, flicks hand out and snaps. Body should face forward and twist out when released too.
Left/Right Hand Swipe - Arm should start out bent and near the body, once you swipe, your arm should go all the way to the point where its behind you. Body should move a lot as well (Probably around 180 degrees)
Left/Right Hand Throw - Smoothen the animation itself

Left/Right Leg Across - When doing this kick, your leg doesn’t remain straight. You should keep your leg up and bent when charging, when releasing you should snap your kick out. Arms should be kept up and bent instead of down and out.
Left/Right Leg Impact - Arms should be kept up and bent. Body should twist in the other direction as well.
Left/Right Leg Kick - Arms up. Your leg should be kept up and bent while charging and snap on release.

Spin - Speed the animation up. Make sure to slow it down at the end still.
Two Hands - Lean forward a bit when released.
Two Hands Punch - The step forward should be before the punch
Two Hands Swipe - Lean back a tiny bit when swiping as well as step back.
Two Hands Throw - Bend arms at the beginning and exaggerate the throw.
Two Hands Together - Arms pushed when released.
Wide Stance - Probably the hardest one, any ideas such as a snap, arms go further out, etc. might ruin the appeal of wide stance. Definitely need ideas.

Blasts/Beam New

Left/Right Hook Punch - Similar to how the punch animation is, you step forward and punch sideways.
Left/Right Leg Hook - Lift your leg up and keep it out while charging. When released, you hook the leg horizontally.
Left/Right Leg Spin - Similar to the hook kick except with a spin. This time you do a stance while charging. When you release you spin 360 degrees with the hook kick animations
Left/Right Leg Side - A mixture between impact and across kick. You lift up your leg and keep it bent. When released, you snap out your kick while turning your body away.
Left/Right Hand Hadouken - Suggested by @ThatAsianInTheCorner, yeah basically pull back your arms and push arms out when released. Basically identical to how it is in Street Fighter. If you want a rename, perhaps name it Left/Right Hand Push or Release.

Yes, I love this upvoted noobferno

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That moment when you’re at vote limit :pensive:

feels bad

even gonna make 2 more for other casting animations in the future

Gimme my Question Mark Kick :hungry:

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they should be faster in general too

their speed should really be determined by their casting speed. for some cases like spin yeah they need to be faster

give me funny hadouken
and then i give vote

honestly how the fuck did i not think of that

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okay done

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thank you

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