Casuals piss me off sometimes

watching AO PvPers gloat about how intricate and complex their PvP dynamics are is like walking into a club for competitive fly swatting

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Competitive fly swatting ite bre😂

bet homie :pray:

you dont understand bro…this pvp stuff is serious…these gankers dont play around

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size takes more skill than speed

size takes more skill than speed

Look, i know pvp takes some level of skill but


I complete agree with this post, pvp is obviously skill based and extremely unique. The testers take a lot of time to fine tune the game’s combat and all the casuals are just acting as if size is good because they were too garbage to beat an aoe spammer.

Yesterday I beat a metal ileg drawback build user by simply flying around with my wood thermo warlock with 200 atk speed/agility. They’re acting as if a single build is above everything even though it’s not. With so many amazing combinations pvp is truly unique and the pve casuals really have no understanding for this, they all just think “wow i got grened pvp is unbalanced, ill go complain on the forums!” and get 20 likes from equally gullible people.

Please don’t complain about pvp if you’re a pve player, just don’t play the game if it doesn’t suit you, or maybe, just dont pvp so you won’t have any issues.

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Bounty hunting and random jerks who jump you and sink your ship:

It doesn’t take a one of a kind genius to simply server hop until you find one full of equally pvp inept players who wouldn’t hurt you. If you stay in a server with an Overseer or a guy with a high bounty and high player kills, you’re really just asking for it.

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Okay, cool. Two issues:

A) The damage is done. Like, I can server hop after getting jumped, but I can’t be constantly scanning the leaderboard. People have rked (or attempted to RK) me outside of Ravenna.

B) Kinda seems a bit wrong that the player who isn’t trying to ruin other people’s experiences is the one who has to inconvenience themselves.

while unfortunate, i think getting jumped really isn’t an issue
from my own experience and my clan who used to be active, i hear about one of us getting ranodmly jumped like, once every 2 weeks
i feel like it happens way less than people say it does
keep in mind the average renown is like 200k and my renown is near 1 mil

The game is like that because devs cater to us pvp players and bounty hunters, if you don’t like that then just don’t play since vetex won’t do anything about it

No. I’m both going to keep voicing my issues and keep playing. This ain’t just your game bud.

dark sea and modifiers made making a build as awful as making a competitive team in pokemon if hypertraining and ev trainers didn’t exist, and they brought a powerlevel on par with the current competitive metagame as opposed to gen 6


Despite how its advertised, AO is just a pvp sandbox. All the loot serves to make your build better so you can fight people. Then there are obnoxious people like you who complain and want to remove a core part of the game. You should’ve stopped “voicing complaints” when vetex made clans even more PVP focused by incorporating infamy from jumping. It’s only gonna be more catered to pvp from now on so just get used to it

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Goodness, I can’t believe I didn’t realize it—you’re absolutely right. The Dark Sea didn’t add exploration, give a purpose to brewing, or add difficult PVE. Nope. It was actually just a pure PVP update. The sirens are actually just airstallers, the Atlantean ships just pirate players, and the islands are just arenas made out of like ice and mahatma platforms for the sole purpose of fighting other players.

Oh, and the storyline is actually just an illusion, as is everything in it. The bosses are all actually just hired players using present builds. The cutscenes are similar cases, utilizing hired players with copy-pasted dialogue from a word document. Edward is just some random dude with admin perms who teleports to your ship. The player leaderboards are actually just lying to us—everyone we think is an NPC is actually just a player. Hence why the game’s performance is so bad; it has over a hundred players per server.

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intensity exists to toss people into the dark sea

Lets be honest the pve in this game is good, but is far less fine tuned then the pvp…

Like u cant even use grabs on npcs for crying out loud and its not intended to be that way.
Pve is still pretty good nonthe less but pvp is definitly more complete.