Character Title Thread

Yup. That is the theurgist cloak. Got it in a trade from someone day 1 on dark sea update

i have two more maxed files lol

  1. Aura Moonsilver (Glass/Sand Mage)
  • Good rep
  • Chaotic Good: Acts as her conscience directs her to with little regard for others’ expectations of her; she makes her own way, but is still benevolent and kind
  • She’s a cloudcuckoolander motormouth with a golden retriever personality
  • Her Glass explosion spell uses the greatsword shape and her Glass Javelin spell uses the trident shape lol
  • Constantly traveled with her family before going off on her own to explore the world
  1. Amber Winchester (Acid/Thermo Fist Warlock)
  • Good rep
  • Lawful Good: Acts as a good person is expected or required to, constantly abides by rules and will only break them if absolutely necessary
  • Pretty chill and calm and isn’t provoked easily
  • Usually stoic and kinda hard to read
  • Was orphaned and basically adopted like Aisha was, but was raised by a bounty hunter rather than pirates

Nils “The Wastrel” Drake

Born with poison magic but decided against focusing his efforts into mastering it seeing it as a needlessly cruel magic. He is as it stands, a musclebound martial arts wielder who specializes in hardening techniques (ironleg), and chucking cannonballs(cfist). After the events of the story thus far he sails the bronze sea in search of new horizons and is constantly seeking worthy combatants to hone his might against, and while he sees himself as laid back those around him think he’s a bit imposing even if he means well. His favorite pastimes include cooking and wrestling sharks, he is known by most as a “Wastrel” for the exorbant amounts of coin he spends on drink at the many taverns he visits in his travels.

yet another one

Zoey Yagami (Plasma/Fire Paladin)

  • Stoic yet stern attitude
  • Somewhat aloof but warms up to others over time
  • Silence is gold, she doesn’t talk much out of preference
  • Tends to be softspoken when she does speak
  • Won’t attack unless provoked
  • Graceful, yet tough
  • Lawful Neutral: Believes in concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, but follows her own personal code in addition to the codes set down by authority
  • Is a mild tsundere (“You didn’t have to do this for me, you know.”)
  • Father was a traveler from the Ryujin Dynasty, mother was from Redwake, her given name was a suggestion made by someone else
  • Ended up becoming a drifter who goes from place to place looking for things like knowledge while also doing some amount of mercenary/guard work

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Oswald Grimoire
“Anonymous Victor” (A hero that has not much info about)

“Thundra Edge” (Lightning Conjurer)

(I’m very sorry for yours being done, i just abandoned this topic then i got bored so i went back to it, hope its all good)

Eden Nash
“The Gem of the Moon” (Crystal + Moonlight mage)

“The Fracturing Lux” (Crystal + Moonlight mage)

“Eden’s Tranquility” (Eden is quiet)

(I’m very sorry for yours being done, i just abandoned this topic then i got bored so i went back to it, hope its all good)

Sam Hamilton

“The Merciful Seafarer” (Castaway Savior)

“Midnight Blade” (Shadow Conjurer)

(I’m very sorry for yours being done, i just abandoned this topic then i got bored so i went back to it, hope its all good)

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Midnight Blade is nice! Might name that the ship for my negative rep file

(If you want to make some titles for her then feel free to ask, I’ve WAYYY more lore for her than Sam)

Name the ship tytanic

Remus Elric

I’m willing to

100% not this...

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Bit much. Got stuff for before and after awakening so here goes and also made a thing for the calvus fight which i will post in writing topic soon

Sol Caesar, she is a negative renown Light-Fire mage. She killed Elius. She became an Assassin Syndicate member after killing Elius so she would get paid for her assassinations on high ranking individuals but quit after she finally got revenge on Calvus with plans to make her own clan. All of my saves are connected in some way so they’ll have some brown hair, gain the scar in the calvus fight, first name starts with S etc

Before awakening

The daughter of Octavius Caesar, thrown away to the clutches of the Order of Aesir for testing by her envious younger brother King Calvus after their father died so he could become king and rule over the Ravenna Realm. Hellbent on getting revenge, she’ll do anything to do it. Born with Light magic, she’s furthering her power in magic by becoming a Mage and studying it to its fullest extent to become powerful enough to get her rightful hands on her crown of Ravenna and a lost scroll for her Aether magic that her brother took from her that was supposed to be a coronation gift for her becoming the new queen.

After awakening

The daughter of Octavius Caesar and sister to Revon and the late Calvus that she murdered for taking away her spot on the throne and throwing her away to the Order of Aesir for testing.
She travelled to Mount Othrys at the bottom of the Bronze Sea to have her awakening and unlock her 2nd magic which turned out to be fire magic but it still laid somewhat dormant in her. After she returned back to the ship she was ambushed by the Navy and when things were looking hopeless the fire within her unleashed in a shockwave explosion killing the Navy members that were there.

With no more plans of revenge she still plans on finding a lost scroll for her Aether magic, and even finding the curse variant somewhere, and to help stop the war between Keraxe and Sameria before it even starts with the help of Morden, Iris, and Neviro.
With her Triasta of Bronze, bronze dual flintlocks, and the Vindicator in hand and with her gang and crew behind her, she’s ready to travel to the Nimbus Sea!


Just imagine it with Calvus boots, mantello, and crown and most likely not chestplate

Said i would name it after the title you gave Sam it has garnet crown sail patterns btw

Think thats it. Go crazy.

btw. are you supposed to post lore of characters in writing or introduction or? plz help

I survived

I still need to do it but I want my ship to be more min-maxed
(And not having a shitty build)

why do you have insanity 5

I was in 6th range

If this is what I think
Potion issue