Could Sandal beat the forums in a fight?

And again, he cannot use anything that uses magic energy or is magical in the radius. Only physical strength is allowed.
I could also give the user an indomitable will, so he wouldn’t budge even if Sandal tortured him to open the room.

At that point, we could kind of just make everyone omnipotent so that everyone just ties, but that’s…just “no”.

Oh, I forgot about that.

But the user isn’t immortal, all you have to do is beat him in a game of chess.

And Sandal could technically escape a black hole(maybe?), so…?


Sandal can use their shatterfrost magic and just break the barrier itself while freezing everything inside it simultaneously (shatterfrost is quite powerful and wouldn’t be accessed until a bit later by Sandal, but it makes sense he’d have some magic of power granted the abilities of @key).

I did say the barrier is impenetrable.

ok but what if I told you he brought the drops from the last boss with him

(did the side quests too)

Let me add:
The user can also respawn the soldiers with a 2 minute cooldown.
The user can send the soldiers outside of the radius, and speak through them.
The radius is UNBREAKABLE, no matter what.
The user can send his soul into the body of a soldier, however he will be 3x weaker than he was before.

The situation Sandal would be put in would force him to either stay in the barrier forever or win a simple game of chess.

can’t he just drill through the ground and come up below the user, though?

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The new abilities I added make it so that the user can send his soul into the soldier as a last ditch effort.

I could just give him an explosive cookie. :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::boom::boom::boom:

No. The area in the radius is encased by the radius, all of it. Things inside of it would be breakable, but the shell outside wouldn’t.
And, even if he did, technically that still means he’s in the radius.

…You think he’d die to a cyanide laced cookie?

Then a poison cookie.:cookie::cookie::cookie::skull::skull:

Sandal is a legit demi god. He won’t die to some regular poison. You’ve gotta be more creative!

Maybe make a spell that turns him INTO a cookie.

The user doesn’t have any physical capabilities.
The fight would be on equal ground because Sandal now has only:
Physical Strength
and his brain power.

And honestly, nobody can beat Sandal in a battle of magic.
He uses ignorance magic, so therefore it’d be pointless to fight on “equal grounds” with him.
If you find a new magic, he can obtain it too.

Cookie magic :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie: