Current state of AO:



Vetex working his hindquarters off, community being… “below average”.

Sometimes I do indeed hate this playerbase.


At this point this community is gonna implode in on itself before a new patch note even releases


Meanwhile GPO taking a year to release a mini update with a full as heck dev team:

roblox will tag me for saying “the” but apparently “cumlord” and “ejculation” is fine

Every playerbase has the same types of people. The AO community seems pretty normal to me.

im saving this real

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AO fosters a NORMAL community full of NORMAL “people”

(not my ss)


The 3 musketeers

Enough about AO's rights or wrongs, what are you entirely neutral about?
Enough About AO’s Wrongs—What Do You Love About It?
Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs


Right, that’s it. I’m having a three-way with @NickyZ1 and @TheFollest . You two get over here, I’m going to smash you both viciously— there can only be one above and two below.

Yes I’m talking about a duel, what did you think I meant?


what 2 months without updates do to a man


The trade thing is just random stuff PvPers do
Ur at sailors lodge and prolly 4th or 5th gen
You must be underleveled
Which means we can take advantage of lower level players for free stat resets.

:frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

All I can say is: I’m sorry, but I don’t regret it.

love wins

Please do