Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

What are the things you hate the most about AO?

100% the pve
Vetex is too lazy to code a proper AI to his game so the only way he knows to make npcs hard is to stat bloat them and give them this stupid feature that makes them parry any attack while using their skills


the dark sea atmosphere is just too ugly


things respawn too slow


tbf, the regular npc AI is quite alright. At least it’s somewhat interesting .
definitely if you compare it to other roblox game’s npc AI (blox fruits)

anyways, I hate how the dirt feature takes like 5 soaked effects to completely clear
it’s so annoying when you try to take nice pictures before you’ve gotten a brig to clean the dirt off

I also don’t like how there isn’t a reliable way of getting sea creature hunting gear. It’s all just rng and I never get the right attachment and it’s so annoying because then I don’t have enough hours yet to trade and then when I do nobody accepts my trade because they are all used to getting people to overpay and then they decline and leave the server before I can send another request and then I go back to farming sealed chests again and only get 6 net launchers from 30 sealed chests and I get frustrated and decide to kill a boss and while I sail over there I come across a few blue whales and I kill them and they don’t drop blubber which they would’ve done if I did get the right attachment and then I finally get to the boss and kill them 20 times only for them to never drop anything and then I go back to farming sealed chests and I open another 20 sealed chests and finally get another attachment but this one is the throwing spears and I still can’t use it so I try to trade that and the net launchers for a swivel gun but they either just ignore the trade or leave before I can send the trade and it’s just so annoying

Please vetex, just make the redwake and shell island sell sea creature hunting attachments


some of the community :skull:

Stat bloat is definitely an issue—I feel like everything’s like 120% what it’s displayed level is in the Dark Sea. A level 125 Atlantean is NOT a fair fight by any measure.


sped players attacking my ship

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the lack of thought vetex puts into any polishing (Optimization, Bugfixing, QoL, etc)


i hear ppl complaining about ao waaaay more than they praise it :skull:


The lack of hover spells!

Thid is 70% a joke… I just think hover spells are really menacing

like if vetex did one polishing change per day (even small), the game would be so much better

it could be some bugfixing (we have hundreds), some opti, maybe some qol, but it would help so much

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The fact that Vetex doesn’t have a team, this may or may not be his fault but if he had a bunch of people we’d have like 10x the content, Better optimization, better balance, be in the Vmir Sea, and updates would be coming out like once a month.

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Yeah in all seriousness, this is the only thing i dont “like” about AO! Everything elese is a blast but yknie, i think vetex with a proper team could work on tbis masterpiece at lightspeex!

The removal of PathfindingService was honestly a disgrace.
WoM AI pathfinding + AO AI would honestly have been a good mixture, considering WoM AI usually took up both close-up and far-off ranges for attacks, making them manageable.

That’d be easily sorted if he dind’t fully ignore the balance team most of the time.

Easily sorted if he actually did some from time to time, instead of trying for 12 hours straight one every few months then putting it aside

That makes sense! No wonder why captains were so good at there job… And probably why the exiled is a nutjob

alright i just got zero exotic scrolls from 20 dark sealed chests
i am upsetti spaghetti

As a Serial AO Complainer, i would wish to rewind back to the WOM times.

Both Games (AO and WOM) are great, it’s just that WOM had some great vibes that still haven’t been replicated in AO yet, likely because of the OST of each individual area.
WOM wasn’t that big of a grinding mess and a nuclear reactor toxicity-wise, AO’s mainly about looksmaxxing and minmaxxing while also doing some fodder harvest to raise some numbers that have barely any meaning other than for some ego boost to satisfy some psychopaths in the Fandom.


Speaking of AI, something that has been around since WoM that I’m not fond of is enemies repeatedly high jumping for no reason.
It’s a little annoying to be in a fight and the npc just starts jumping on the spot like they are on a trampoline rather than in a battle.


Yeah… I will say the after max level grind for a decent build took like… 50-75 hours!