Enough About AO’s Wrongs—What Do You Love About It?

You know, this community’s become really negative as of late. All this talk of how we hate the game and complain and whine, and are ungrateful for Vetex working endlessly to improve it—I’m sick of it. I really, really am.

So, what’s something you LIKE about the game? Be it a mechanic, an NPC, a design choice. Even a player interaction—someone who helped you, someone you befriended, anything. What was one positive experience you had in this game?

For me, it was the start of the game, the new adventure it presented. Sitting over Redwake and gazing off into the setting sun, seeing a new adventure ahead. (Helped by the beautiful graphics—like my god, this game looks better than just about anything else I’ve seen on Roblox)


the most immersive roblox game ive ever played that actually felt open world
and the lore is so extensive and epic




Yeah, up until the serious grind started, I absolutely loved the immersion too. Like I’ve straight up been thinking of the philosophies of my two characters. I personally like separating myself from the MC, so I can see them as someone besides myself who’s an actual part of the world.


I just love how beautiful the game looks. Yeah, sure the are times when everything is foggy as shit and you can’t see anything beyond your ship.
But when it isn’t?

A thing that I like to do when im playing is to go to Cirrus, drink a clearsight potion and just, admire everything


i really like the magic system, you get to make and customise your own spells however you want instead of having presets for each magic


The lore and hidden details make me like the game

Story is also a HUGE part of why i love ao

def the best game ive played in roblox in a while


The Sea!!! I love diving!!! I love hunting sharks for no reason!!!

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I like the PVP. The open world PVP can be very enjoyable at times, makes the game feel wild. Ship combat is kind of boring though.
also luck potions, since now I don’t have to spend twelve hours grinding cernyx for his faulds

fishing is still horrible though

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Even still the dark sea still scares me… The place does a well-done job of “blown up magic infested planet!”… The immersion in the entire game is awesome! Shell’s island is also beautiful! I also love the amount of diversity that’s even available now! Ship combat is also a good high point for AO as a whole. And how could one forget EDWARD KENTON?!

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I absolutely adore ship minmaxxing and ship combat.

Unlike minmaxxing yourself, all you need is a some galleons, some ship parts, and some enchant scrolls. Sure deckhands are hard to max at times, but their main appeal is what stat they give. Getting exotic scrolls might be hard, but so is getting them for your main armor set.

Meanwhile in ship combat I just love letting loose volleys of cannonballs and watching things explode. I love ramming into ships as I roll into to combat. I love my ship sailing circles around my foe or tanking hit after hit without taking major damage.

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Probably one of the best games on Roblox (Which is a really low bar but good enough I guess)

the lore of the game and the world building ı cant actually tell the reason but the game keeps you in thats what ı like the most

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The character creation and customization, as well as the idea vetex had that they can have your own lore. It’s so much fun seeing your favorite ideas come to life so easily.


Same, i wish more people enjoyed ship combat instead of just using a light ram and jumping on my ship

Blowing stuff up and feeling like I actually blew it up.

it has magic

This person knows who they are, but the fact Arcane Odyssey is multiplayer and has parties. I played AO when it first released on my main acc with my buddy, and if I have to choose anything to love the most, I’d say the way the game promotes working with friends. That’s the major thing, because playing AO with my closest friend of 8 years made every session more fun! So I’d have to say the party system! And letting you join friend’s servers!


I know many people have criticism about the story, but you’ll never find anything as good as it in a roblox game. It’s immersive, it pulls you in for a ride and I am all here for it. I am very invested in how the story will evolve.

The power system at play is really fun. Gameplay wise I’ve never played anything like this. Lorewise it’s really interesting and fits in well with the world.

Creating characters is really fun. Choosing names, appearance, magic, class, isn’t new but when it’s there I love it. It makes that character feel so personal and special to the player, and really fun to imagine a backstory for.

The world is just beautiful, what can I say we’re in a fantasy world.


I think we can all agree that AO has so much detail, from small things… to big things. Earlier today i went to firt talos and just explored its surface- For a place nobody goes theres a lot going on up there, its really nice!

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