Gotta love dying purely due to RNG, 10/10 game Vetex

running a glass cannon build in the hardest layer of the Dark Sea moment


Yep. Water poisoning is annoying at most by itself. It only gets bad when something else has happened before it e.g. You have low health from fighting/ god damn lightning strikes.

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Should have parried the dice

I agree here, a warning marker on the water/land covering where the lightnings hitbox will be would be great
think the warning marks for where lightning will strike during the Gael fight in DS3 or the Placidusax fight in Elden Ring

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Exactly! Just a visual indicator would be a godsend

you wouldn’t believe how many people have suggested this as a mechanic.

check out this thread for more rants towards dark sea lightning:

I feel like some people are ignoring that you can also hide under overhangs and under roofs to get rid of water poisoning

overhangs are everywhere

Me who can’t revive my friend (he hasn’t been K.O. since we entered the Dark Sea: Yeah, of course

Also Lightning is clearly the worst thing of the Dark Sea, it’s not even dodgeable
Like that one time I was with a friend, I almost died to an atalntean. I dashed towards my ship and while I was dashing Zeus said “You’re not surviving this”
Water poisoning is an annoyance at best, lightnings are straight up garbage

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Super unreliable, this doesn’t work 90% of the time for me.

it does work, but the restrictions aren’t made clear. typically, trees and the brig quarters don’t work, and I think there’s some thickness requirement to the roof

Far range expeditions are kind of not worth the risk right now
I wish to believe the far reaches are not even completely finished too

but yea I always make sure to have my character visually wear armor in case lightning strikes or I tiptoe into some lava pool (the visual armor part is to prevent limb loss). Just always be prepared for the worst case scenario and someone said it before

don’t go in with only 1k hp :frcryin:

got mentioned before too, if you’re on some island being under some structures can cure water poisoning so keep that in mind in case you’ll have to travel a far distance to your ship idk

just don’t be a risk taker

They better not be completely finished right now lol.

Just a day or two ago I found a “”“Heavily Armored”“” Atlantean Brig that only had 14k hp lol.

that perfect storm of events, i feel you there

this is exactly why i fear going in to the dark sea with anything less than 1.1k HP, that water poisoning was just the spoiled icing on the stale cake

heart rate goes into overdrive whenever im hurt from atlanteans or stamina fatigue while in that lightning’s instant kill range because i know for a fact it’s going to strike when im vulnerable, it feels like common law to me at least

“lightning never strikes the same spot twice!”


Why does bro have recovery buff, that isnt gonna matter when you get water poisoning or even waiting it out after fighting atlanteans :sob:

Recovery isn’t a potion effect and its necessary for surviving in the 5th range.
I personally need atleast recovery 3 to outheal the passive damage from insanity 4.

Yes, and he only had recovery 1

Kinda fucked that you can get cucked due to poor rng but you kind of asked for it like what where you thinking into the fourth range with no HP on hotbar running glass canon while solo on a 2hr expedition :skull:

One run into any atlantean and it’s lights out for you, and while honestly I don’t think lightning adds real natural difficulty, the dark sea are supposed to be an unpredictable challenge, you should’ve also just prepared better by not being in 1 tap range, which will also be irrelevant by nimbus when people naturally get higher HP

Oh fr? Damn that’s epic