Dear Nekosaikou

Existential Whereabouts


Guess this thread is fooken useless now. Seems kind of weird anyways.

I was checking through there thing…but not once did I see the mention of r-pe, can someone show me a screenshot where it was mentioned.

They must of deleted the topic in which it was in

found it for you.
the two posts are concurrent, by the way.
the reason does specify virtual rape.

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Ah okay. Without sparking another conversation, all I’m going to say is that they shot themselves in the foot there.


i asked an innocent question and started a Warfield :skull:


it really be like that on forums
no comment is safe, no matter how innocent it is

Don’t worry bro, virtual rape in a children’s game is fine but grooming

That’s where even Neko draws the line


it’s kind of funny too, because grooming (i think) entails the entire process of preparing a child for the bad p word, so by NEKO’s logic, grooming isn’t bad until the molester actually goes to the child’s house.

before that, it’s fair game. fuck, you could just groom someone online, put your keys in your cars, and start driving, but as long as you didn’t actually enter inside the house and start your mission, it’s A O K. after all, no one can prove you weren’t visiting the house next door, where the very not underaged elderly couple lives.

Everyday we stray further from God… :sleeper:

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the reason for suspension is good tho

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What the fuck.

Alright I knew they were weird but what.
How in the hell do you even try to justify that.

That’s about all of the steps too far.

Neko, if you’re reading this and this is actually what you believe, get help.
I’m not even fucking joking. I don’t know what you’ve been through to make you believe this shit, but whatever it is definitely needs therapy so you get get past it before it gets worse.

Rape, virtual or not, is bad. I didn’t have a problem with Neko before but lmaoooo you can’t be real.
Psychological trauma is a thing that happens in the real world. Even if you think it happened over the internet or even if you think it’s fake, there is a real person behind that computer, taking in everything that’s happening to them. I can not wrap my head around how brain-dead that post was.

dear neko, if youre reading this, never come back to the forums if youre gonna be this weird again

Dear neko, please go outside, get a life dammnit you fat ass

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I couldn’t find the gif lol

(Sensitive topic below, these forums are for a kid’s game after all:)
Now I think about it…what the exact fuck does virtual rape mean? Like rape is shitty (obviously), but the more I think about it…the more confusing the concept of virtual rape is. Like, what even counts as it? Non-consensually sending NSFW pics to others? Is it something else? I’m just confused since rape seems to be a purely physical thing, and in this context, we’re using the internet.

Idk bro, maybe doing nsfw stuff ingame without the other person’s consent?