Have you any exploited/ hacked any game BEFORE, and do you feel guilty about it? (closed because warfeild)

Dont know why you find it interesting when it’s literally a virtual world so anything you do is fine and the only one that could stop you are the rules that you either abide or not.

If you disagree with that, then that’s as if you’re saying you cant differentiate what’s real and what’s virtual and that I should feel guilty over something bad that i’ve done in the virtual game.

As for the competitive PvP, where was it that says fair play should be the entire point? Who in their right mind would think a competitive fight should be fair? No, if it’s competitive, then fight with all you got, be it unfair or not since that’s literally the point of a fight. If you’re talking about a tournament, then obviously exploiting would be idiotic if you’re planning on winning as abiding the rules is a requirement to win so often times no one would even exploit on it.

This’ll be pretty much my last reply since this would end up as an arguement that should be taken in DMs and when it’s just the two of us, we wont reach a conclusion.


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  1. so exploiting in a fighting game would be perfectly fine because you should fight with all you got? what you don’t seem to be getting is that exploiting isn’t even like just using another tool. when playing chess, for instance, you can do whatever you want in so far as it abides to the rules of chess. bringing a fucking table and swiping the board clean isn’t fair even if it were your table.

  2. using rules like that basically eradicates any concept of fair play. what’s the point of playing competitive if you have no real way to gauge skill?

lmao ok

time to get the popcorn again :popcorn: :fr:

that depends on what level is typing, since NEKO said they’re done for today

Next you’re gonna talk about why the raping exploit on roblox is completely fine to do because it’s a virtual game. Putting Nazi symbols in your display name also means nothing since it’s just a virtual game smh. Hell, why not become a groomer on Roblox?? It’s just a virtual game.


Guess so, though except grooming since that would also mean doing something in the real world, then that of course isnt fine to do. You can only do whatever you want as long as it stays within the virtual game since that’s what it’s used for anyways, being able to do something that you cant in the real world.

You need a fucking therapist


you shouldn’t, unless it connects an offense in the real world.

Kill an NPC? Fine.

Do something offensive / illegal irl to another player or use very bad symbols? No.

If it doesn’t tie into something bad from the real world, it should be fine, but there’s workarounds to this.


Now stop arguing my brain is melting.

No thank you (ΦзΦ)

There’s no law that says I cant sexualize fictional characters unless it’s confirmed by the owner that it is someone in real life.

I’m not that petty about losing in a game.

used to exploit a ton on roblox, now its just boring and not worth it
totally don’t feel guilty about it though, used to be super fun

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Shamefully also admit. It had me feeling ecstatic when I insta gained 300,000 points from one button.

What the fuck?

No… What the actual fuck?!

You cannot be serious rn.

dead ass? damn…

that’s what it’s used for, but it isn’t it’s purpose, nor does that mean that all instances of exercising this authority should be honored. it’s not even used for this all the time: generally, the internet is just a convenient way to transfer large bits of information in a convenient medium through long distances. just so happens that such a resource is by its very nature really good for providing great freedom and anonymity.

this is the densest shit i’ve seen in a while, so i am convinced that you are only saying this because you feel the need to die on this hill. why? only god knows. if i happen to be incorrect, then take that shit with whoever you happen to worship, because i don’t even know what to say here.

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i am at a lost for words… neko is mentally fucked frfr0B


If you make a moral argument by appealing to the law then you’ve already lost.


yeah but like its still weird to a degree

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this more than anything tbh.

Why do I hear boss music