Desperately Needed Changes to Player Jailtime

Desperately Needed Changes to Player Jailtime
effort 4.384615384615385 13 quality 4.230769230769231 13 reasonability 4.428571428571429 14

“Wowww, vetex is so perfect, every decision he makes is always the right one no matter what, there’s nothing he could ever do that would bother me!”
“He has transcended human error and never ever ever has bad ideas like every other human ever!!”

you know what you’re onto something

what problems DO you have with the game, @arlyborg?

He has, quit crying becauses hes better, smarter, and overall more handsome than you are

Not enough ingredients

If Vetex (eventually) changed his mind on legendary weapon obtainment methods, maybe he’ll change his mind about jailtime. He also designed the game to enable certain builds that can function without weapons, magic, or fighting styles, as opposed to Arcane Adventures.

Considering how his two attempts at making other types of games (Adventure Story and World of Magic) kinda failed due to demotivation, though, I don’t have the highest hopes that he’ll take any major changes to jailtime well.

I’m a firm believer that the jail system desperately needs a rework. Actively making players NOT play your game is bad game design, no matter how you slice it.

This is a great suggestion that would address this V

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How on earth did somebody like you become a tester…?
You have literally nothing productive to say in any way.

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Bribed vetex with 30000000 fish nuggets…

eat my nuts (10 characters)

Because im FUCKING AWESOME and you are a SWAMP ASSED NERD :nerd_face:

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You have 4 million cooking XP.
You ain’t in any position to say that lol.

stood still and pressed E and Q for 20 hours :partying_face:

How do we tell bro :sob:

240 hours>>

the thing, is burgertown actually uses the new ;serverlock feature to macro cooking in elysium without anyone joining the server and reporting him, he told me that last night at the bar (12 characters)

HOW DOES HE KNOW :scream::scream: who narced

im ngl I dont find it crazy that anyone could defend how the jailing system works right now lol. It’s arguably the most unintuitive part of the game.

is it?, i think being chased by 4 heavy navy brigs at all time that constantly sink my docked ship is far more annoying, maybe because i never get arrested but meh


Its the “cool your head off” chamber

can’t think of anything creative. fuck.

anyway stop harassing the dude you’re being an asshole for no reason other than being mildly annoyed