Did i lose value

Even then your math still doesn’t add up the average would be 2 every 3332 fish, meaning the statement that most people, who mind you don’t all fish using magnetic collectors would statically take longer than 3k to get two.

mans acting like its guaranteed to be every 1666 catches, just because thats the average doesn’t mean its more common than catching multiple in 3000

Yes it does do you not understand how averages work.

whatever you say here doesnt change the fact that its more common to catch your first sunken around 500-800 catches than 1666-2000

Based on what data please enlighten me onto your incredible dataset proving that most people get sunkens around 500-800 catches I’d love to see the math backing it up.

lemme make a poll

Oh yeah btw here’s the proof showing that luring bronze would be more efficient with a pity system

unless you’re gonna catch more than 3 sunkens with it i really dont care

The amount you catch is dictated by how much you fish, but it has the fastest method of obtaining a sunken on average.

theoretical probability does not equal experimental probability

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what i’ve been trying to say but i didn’t know how to put it into words

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While that be true generally speaking overtime it tends to reflect the experimental probability.

and that is not the case here

You mean theoretical? overtime it would but overtime could be 1000 sunken ive caught about 7-10 sunken but i get them every 1500 ive seen a dude get 2 in 1000

I did misspeak, however it’s like if you rolled a dice you might get four six times in a row however the longer you roll dice the more likely it is to have an about even distribution between the six sides.

My point is you meed a lot of sunken caught to reflect the theoretical but most people dont catch more than 10 which is a small sample

I’m basing this off the entire player base not one person I’m saying on average for the entire player base.

We should wait until awesome’s pole has more votes though i dont expect u to be wrong it should be around 1800-2000 on average

Relating it back to the original argument pity system wont change much since for every unlucky dude that gets it every 5k fish theres a dude that gets it every 599 there might be wil be a value drop but not solely caused by pity system

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You don’t get it the pity system makes it so people can only be statically accurate or earlier in obtaining sunken. As such there will only be positive statical outliers making the average drop rate go up.