Did you know your crew can actually eat food?

Did you know that your crew doesn’t magically just heal?

They actually eat fruit to heal their HP! I was blown away the first time I saw it and thought I saw it wrong, but yes! They will eat a random fruit everytime to heal.


Do the crewmates do this or only the co-captain?

Both crewmates and co-captains eat fruit to heal.

WHATTTTTT NO SHOT! ALSO EDWARD LOOKS SO CUTE WHILE EATING (idk oranges) god, i need to draw thiss

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mf didn’t even peel them :sob:

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Draw him eating an orange like an apple because he cant be arsed to peel off the skin.
Idk it just seems very in character for him to do.

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I mean… We mc ate a whole-watermelon in one go. Were in the same kind of low

true we must have teeth made of steel

So basically, were awesome :nod:

also we eat pumpkins whole
stems and everything :skull:

our teeth are probably fucked up

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We just aren’t British

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