Dirty Boxing FS

Dirty Boxing FS
effort 5.0 3 quality 4.666666666666667 3 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3


IIRC fighting styles would get a lost or ancient upgrade. This is an idea for one of those.

This might sound a little similar to Ramen1’s Alloy Palm.

Dirty Boxing appears like normal boxing, but the gloves have some kind of hidden propelling system (spring-loaded, detached on a string, claw grabber thing)

The point of this fighting style is that while it has no unique status effect, you can cancel attacks early by using your punch (uses smash then while falling clicks)

Isn’t punching useless though? That’s why the gloves have a propelling system so that it shoots the gloves farther (about the range of shot)

What are the cons:

  • Can only M1 once (maybe twice if we count both gloves but i think two gloves would be better so it can actually hit)
  • Must touch the ground to reset the punch
  • Has a little more start up

What are to pros:

  • Move canceling to allow mix up
  • Much more range with all attacks
  • A more useful M1
  • M1 can air stall
  • If you punch the ground near you while grounded it launches you up a little more than a leap in the opposite direction

What makes it different:

  • Would be the only FS to cancel attacks
  • The range is still limited to shot range (still scales) unlike canon fist
  • Different playstyle to rush in differently

Opinions? Edits?

This should hopefully be more of a fun fighting style while still being useful

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yomi hustle anyone?
you get 2 “free” cancels. now we just need a combo break

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i do not understand what this means but ok?

also i said one its just not very clear

I’m always up for new styles, especially one that gives usage to M1’s. My only complaint is that the style seems too pvp-oriented when looking at the listed pros, unless you were going for a more pvp-oriented style when writing this.

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it is a joke. here have some YOMI Hustle replay/edit


Yes i was thinking of pvp but if you think of pve think of bosses like calvus, use smash, he teleports, use m1

I guess that would give it some usage in PvE, especially since enemies will probably punish end lag harder in the nimbus sea.

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Why have I seen so many Fstyles suggestions lately?

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Most likely the recent strength buffs alongside the desire for more build variety for strength builds.

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this is more likely as their is like what 6 fs compared to like 18 magic and a lot of weapons.

lemme just go ippo mode


Includes my name, instant vote and 5 stars

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Currently there are 6 fighting styles with it being 8 once nimbus sea releases since I doubt karate and knocking fist will be added to the bronze sea. Compared to the 20 base magics and the 22 weapon types.

canon fist has left the chat

it still has limited range so you can’t hit someone from the other side of Ravenna (more so Elysium)

bold of you to assume that canon fist can do that
also how to join Elysium?

idk i thought canon fist had the range of culverins (the long range canon right?)

mod or someone has it open

Cannon fist range is based off the players intensity stat, for whatever reason.

oh. how far does it through as while it was never really used in game i don’t want it obsolete.