Light Palms | FS

Light Palms | FS
effort 2.0 2 quality 3.0 2 reasonability 3.0 2

i really dont think fighting style suggestions are needed whatsoever, they are easy to design
what would really decide the complexity of a fighting style is how much time vetex dedicates to developing them, but we cant do anything about that so no point constantly throwing ideas at the wall when thats seemingly the easy part


if i made a palm fighting style id make it windy

id also add that pretty much every feasible fighting style mechanic has already been suggested at some point or is on the idea list of the trello

As a devoted strength player, please chill it with the fighting style suggestions. I want build diversity as much as you do but you don’t need to pump out concepts every 3 hours. Plus, looking over this just seems to be thermofist but you only get the attack speed buff for your moves.

Mods can we get this dudes suggestor revoked so he has to re-apply with 2 good ideas
k thx bai >:)

Quite a few style suggestions are either X magic converted into a new style (Ex. Viper fist/style?) Or an alternative to a pre-existing style (Ex. Aereus Combat [Bronze Legion Fighting Style])

If people want new styles, they should go for more styles like Dirty Boxing FS where they have a completely new gimmick instead of “style with a chargeable bar #428

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yea yea anyways guys listen to my fighting style idea, twerking fist. Basically you build up your twerk bar and convert the energy into your fist so you ca-


How is this thermo fist dawg

How is this thermo fist

Essentially it works on a resource bar

Its mainly based around combo and following up on hits encouraging aggressive playstyles.

Kind of like thermo’s entire gimmick “use attacks repeatedly to fill the bar up for increased effectiveness”

At 50% flow bar, you begin to move faster as your punches get slower. Your travel time for moves decreases (so you meet your target faster), decreasing endlag. This fighting style is sort of like is supposed to have the feeling of fluidity

??? elaborate. You mean you gain increased agility and lowered attack speed? But then you contradict yourself by saying travel time for attacks and endlag decrease?

This is an amazing question you’ve provided about your own idea my friend. Let’s debunk your idea together. :grin:

Thermo Fist’s heat bar encourages an aggressive playstyle by constantly stringing techniques to maintain your heat bar being high to maximise your affinities.

This is identical to Thermo Fist’s Heat Bar.

I’m pretty sure Thermo does the same thing at like 70% or 80%, I forgot, regardless, this is identical to Thermo Fist.

Thermo only increases attack speed, not agility
And you don’t necessarily have to hit people to maintain heat, u just have to keep using moves or punching

no more cooking man. this is clearly a ripoff of thermo but made worse. also despite its name being “light palm”, almost nothing in this suggestion has anything related to light other than some weird visuals.

no fighting style affects agility, and they shouldnt

In other words,


Who says it shouldn’t? Are you the fighting style moderator?

looks like thermo

who said your fighting style was a good idea?

Each fighting style you’ve written recently has read more and more like you’re rapidly running out of ideas, and I understand that.
Give yourself a break, get some inspiration, build some good concepts with that inspiration, and put it to use.

He went from writing the vine style, to this, mental burnout is no joke.

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