Fighting Style Lab

Some name that has to do with Blinding

Decent Damage and Speed, mediocre Size. Basically blind-based Magics in a Fighting Style, blackening the screen as the player recieves more stacks from this style. Armor could possibly grant Intensity and Agility.

Other than that, the best I can think of are additions to Karate and Knocking Fist. Karate could grant passive Resistance while charging attacks, since some forms of Karate focus on stronger stances. Knocking Fist could probably get a dizzying screen effect like in General Julian’s cutscene.

Also sort of related, but I always think of Knocking Fist as having green lightning for some reason?

1 punch style.

knocking fist is already planned but it would be so cool if at max levels/mastery we could do some CRAZY stuff with it like knocking out large areas like in Toriko

some manga pages

maybe not as extreme as that example but you get my drift

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I will riot if Knocking Fist gets scrapped. I yearn for the revised AA concepts.

hope you don’t mind if i put these here


Static Skull

Faster than basic but with less size this style has electrifying effects by launching yourself headfirst with all attacks. This fighting style makes all it’s skills teleport and act much like ethereal flash automatically going the full distance unless another enemy is in the path. The downside is end lag being much longer.

Visually, charging a skill or energy makes your hair gain lightning effects as it gets statically charged. No gimmick unless you count lightning effect teleporting and higher end lag

Flex Fire

This fighting style is about charging your attacks with the less damage than boxing. By charging your attacks you will get some resistance while charging and during the attack. Charging your attacks are much more effective and increase the damage exponentially. Why does this happen? You compress all your muscles together and release it all at once resulting in more damage. Spamming attacks will not work for this style (which means it will be zoned). Depending on how much you charge determines how fast and big the attacks are. base attacks all have .8 without charging (the lowest i think)

Visually while charging an attack and energy you would get the muscles gamepass temporarily. When your release charge or your end lag starts it all goes back to normal. when your end lag starts it instantly goes back to normal. If you have the muscles gamepass equipped then it works oppositely.

Personally my best one was dirty boxing

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Yall cooking


It’s a cutting type fighting style that inflicts bleed and has a higher chance to cut limbs. It’d be like wielding a sword without actually holding anything. A bit like no sword style that Zoro uses now that I think about it.


It targets the enemy’s nerve ends to cause paralysis. It’d be cool to be able to poke eyes to cause blind.

Pocket Sand (Skill Scroll)

What it says. Inflicts blind or whatever the sand status is called.

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Also boosting this


(never thought I’d hear the term NAAAAAAASTY COMBO outside of my friend group)

Combat Tai Chi

“Soft. Relaxed. But powerful. Like iron wrapped in silk.”


Power: 1x(1.1x imbued)
Speed: 1.1x
Size: .85x

A Fighting Style that relies on initial stances to counter enemy attacks before retaliating with attacks of your own.

This Fighting Style has a unique stance system that makes it so all moves have a wait period before using an attack. During this wait period, the user will hold their stance for a short time, and then, if nothing is done against them, they’ll simply use the attack normally. If the user is attacked during this wait period by a physical, close quarters attack, the wait period is cancelled, the enemy’s attack is countered, and the attack that initiated the wait period is immediately used against the aggressor.

When imbued into weapons by a Warlord or, eventually, a Savant, this stance system will apply to the weapons, as well.

Overall, this Fighting Style excels at punishing overeager, unscrupulous fighters, but suffers greatly against enemies that primarily utilize ranged attacks, as its counter effect does not trigger when attacked by a ranged attack.

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(Complete sentence)

Ancient Fighting (Technically Magic) Scroll: Grand Flame Style

Type: Glass Cannon/nuke

Power: The Most
Speed: x0.1
Size: x0.1

DOT: The Most

A poorly made magic scroll invented to imitate and combine all the Grand Flame Curses together, it was too powerful for any mage to use, which caused all of its users and everyone in their surroundings to painfully burn to death. The only people who were able to survive at least a few seconds were those whom were physically able-bodied and healthy enough to use fighting styles, and even they died quick deaths if used incorrectly.

Obtainment Method

You first find the scroll next to a pile of charred corpses in the dark sea, then upon use you immediately erupt into flames and die. You respawn with burn marks everywhere on your skin.


You have burn marks on your body like Maki from JJK (Queen btw) so that it not only lets people know you’re a masochist, but also that they should be wary of your Ancient tier fighting style. The fire that burns you is a thick dark red/cyan/black combination.


It’s use requires so much energy to the point the user can’t properly fight, the animations are really pathetic and weak looking. There’s also a sneeze animation in there for the lulz.


  • There are 2 modes: Regulation mode and Flame Mode that you can freely switch between, both modes have you suffer from a permanent damage vulnerability. There is also a 3rd mode called Phoenix Mode that requires careful planning and set-up

  • Regulation Mode: is the weakest style/mode in the game, when in this mode the player has smoke emanating from their body. It’s attacks deals 0.1 damage, has 0.1 speed, and has 0.1 size. It also has a weak block and higher damage vulnerability than flame mode so you basically have glass bones and paper skin.

  • Flame Mode Features: You spontaneously combust into the hottest magical fire on Earth and rapidly lose health until you die, unequip the style, or go back into regulation mode.

  • Flame Mode, Promethean strength: The flames are powerful to deal a lot of damage, but they also stack several negative debuffs on fighting style hit (It can’t deal soaked or any cold based effects) the more debuffs they have the more they take damage from your fire. If you stack 7 debuffs on them at the same time they’re given “Promethean Burn” which deals the most DOT, but dealing this effect gives you a stack of ash which will be useful later.

  • Flame Mode, Infernal Heat: The fire is hot enough to burn any projectiles that remain in Dark Spread’s range for 2 seconds. It also works underwater, Dark Spread still works but it’s basically boiling the water instead.

  • Flame Mode, Scorching Combustion: When Dark Spread is damaging the opponent for 5 seconds, a small damage explosion is blown on their body that gives them a debuff. The seconds save

  • Flame Mode, Blinding Aether: The Attacks blind the opponent.

  • Flame Mode, Dark Spread: Every living thing in your range slowly burns to death, and opponents are given drawback for attacks they use in it’s vicinity too.

  • Phoenix mode, RISE FROM THE ASHES (45 min Cooldown): Based off of Phoenix magic; When you have 5 Ash stacks gained from Promethean Strength you will be given a safety net if you die. You come out of the ground exploding like a phoenix (and like Jesus Christ on the cross in a Michael Bay movie) with Phoenix Mode and full health. In Phoenix Mode it’s basically like Dragon Install from Guilty Gear. Your fire no longer hurts, all stats in the game go as high as your power stat, and you’re given Ultimate Art: Focus. It lasts 1 minute.

  • Phoenix Mode, Metal Music (Optional): Heavy and obnoxious metal music plays while you’re in Phoenix Mode. A song similar to ride the fire would be cool

  • Your own power stat applies to the flames that burn you, the more you have the worse it burns.

  • As most Ancient tier stuff is, you do not spawn with the basic skills and instead must find the scrolls yourself for skills.

Fighting style Armor

Instead of actual armor, it’s just some clothes made with several bandages and healing salves to counteract the user’s self damage. It gives a large amount of Defense, Resistance, and Regeneration.

(Fighting style Inspired by Dark Phoenix) This is completely broken but I wanted to have fun.

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I once actually thought about this and called it Ashura style

Insanity Fist or smth among the lines
Lost OF
acts like basic combat when uncharged, when you get hit or hit people, gain bits of insanity, like, 0.1 of insanity for every 10 damage, so dealing and or taking 100 damage gives you 1 insanity

every insanity point above 0 would give increases at the FS’s stats, you wouldn’t start to die at 4 insanity, only at 5, and at 6 insanity you can 1 shot people (regardless of current modifier, good luck dealing with the instadeath tho)

the fighting style would give you a lot of advantage in the Dark Sea (specially the “you don’t die at layer 4” thing
also, having warding makes your FS weaker (if at 5 warding, your OF’s stats all reach 0)

btw as a bonus, going insane with this fighting style makes you have a cool animation where you stand still and walk/run while trampling around (like the drunkness by sailor but more intense)

fighting style skill idea
“Discharge” or “Unload”
dumps your fighting style’s bar into a single attack, if your FS doesn’t have a bar… uhhh… too bad ig

the more you charge the more it unloads, the more it unloads the higher the damage, and it applies the effect too (like, sailor fist would apply buncha stacks of Soaked for a lot of time)

Really couldve thought of a better name there

Knowing nicky it’s 100% intentional

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LET’S GO :handshake: Toriko is GOATED

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