Do you think its a fair trade? , I think not. ( will not accept anyways

pretty sure its just because people prefer hallowed over most of the other seasonals tbh

no literally nobody uses hallowed, its such an ugly seasonal. most used seasonals are death crown and skull chain

you take that back you bastard

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Because Hallowed aren’t rarer than any other Halloween seasonal, while any Halloween Seasonal is WAY rarer then Easter Eggs, you argument and example is just non factual

what on EARTH are you saying?

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a specific wood carving design that you’ve made would have a ton of value by this logic, there’s like nothing like it! You’ll be rich in 20 seconds!

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What is that comparison?
That’s stupid.


they’re both of equal actual value and scarcity, only difference is that one is much more popular

That’s exactly why your comparison is stupid.

That’s only accounting for supply; demand is just as important of a factor.

I could write my signature on basketballs all day, but that doesn’t make any significant impact on them at all because nobody cares about a ball I signed. But if Michael Jordan or Lebrun James signed a basketball, it would have much more worth because That’s something people would want.

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Dont shit talk the funny pumpkin

i dont really get what you are saying here but wood carving what

NORMALBOX SPITTING FACTS :speaking_head::100::fire:

Seasonals are not rare they are more common than calvus drops
You can tell people never played Halloween

Its valuable because of its scarcity. A good amount of the playerbase doesn’t own a WoM seasonal, making them scarce and valuable :scream: (this is incredibly shocking)

also there are definitely more calvus drops than seasonals

I trade on the basis of bartering on whether i need or not, and whether i have it or not. So seasonals for me can range in from the two extremes of being a thoughtless auto decline to looking at it for 5-7 seconds and then probably accept it.

But they primarily just end up as an auto decline. Headless is the one and only situation where i may not immediately auto decline it on the spot if it’s offered but it will still be subjected to the conditions above.

But as to when it comes to the arguments of whether it’s valuable or not from an economic perspective they are right. But for me i can choose whether to follow it or not and 8/10 i don’t.


there was an absurd amount of wom seasonals

like god the only thing that actually has value in this game is a headless because there’s only like 3000 headlesses

less than that now, it was originally 6k now i’d bet its closer to 1.5k at the highest

we love there being literally only one rare commodity

I got 90 seasonals from casually playing Halloween
Some hardcore players probably have close to 1000