Drop your OC statuses

truly my favorite activity

January Light’s got some mutations, mostly on their ears. But that was from a expedition one time, and not the invasion.

They’re alive and surviving right now, with 2 friends with them to fight them off.

They’re also trapped in fort talos :sob:

Arthur Galleon
Bounty hunter. Alive.
A mercenary formerly tracking down infamous pirate Stokes. The circumstances of the invasion has forced the pair to work together… but they get along surprisingly well.
Minus the constant stress and agony of the war, though.

Charlotte Emilia Stokes
Pirate queen. Alive.
A Robin Hood-eqsue figure, who only focuses on raiding other pirates and criminals she deems has gone “too far”. However, her ruthless killings of other outlaws has led the Grand Navy to take a notice in her. One hefty bounty poster later, she’s being chased by a certain mercenary. However, they have now formed a strong partnership in their war of attrition against the beasts.

During a clash at Harvest Island - Stokes’ hideout - the pair see a fleet of human ships being chased by the Atlanteans. In the brief time the army of humans have before the Atlanteans arrive, they hastily fortify the island with cannons and makeshift barricades. Working with Sarlovèze, the humans’ strategy was to funnel the Atlanteans into the whirlpools, drowning and crushing them before destroying any survivors. Despite the massive loss of life, the humans managed to drive the Atlanteans back. More and more humans drift towards the stronghold of Harvest Island, but the constant siege from the Atlanteans is starting to wear down on the survivors.


Harvest Island lore Harvest Island lore!!

its become an Atlantean vacuum :sob::sob:

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On todays episode of Will It Blend we have a brig filled with Atlanteans

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Harvest Island is one of the few beacons of hope in the Bronze Sea, on par with Silverhold as more survivors rally to the natural fortifications of the island.

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it has a convenient ledge right at shore so I don’t see how this could be, it’s extremely easy to storm

normandy had a convenient ledge right at shore yet like a bajillion soldiers died there

also you don’t seriously think Harvest Island is as small as it is in-game do you

brings up a good point that all islands/civilizations have been scaled up to realistic proportions, so like the distance between islands increased, cities are WAYYYYY more populated, and Sailor’s Lodge isnt just. a tavern.

its a whole new worrrrrrlllllddd

its overall environment and terrain still makes it better than most other islands
most islands are totally flat meanwhile harvest is really rocky and stuff
and the shore behind it would funnel the atlanteans down a narrow area

see these guys get it

does this mean i get Harvest a spot on the trello

yep, gonna add it (but that doesnt mean other ppl cant write harvest differently, for clarification)


Figured I’d finally get around to fleshing out my guy. He’ll be in the story I plan to upload in the coming days.

Name: Matteo Lombardi

Status: Alive, Healthy

Insanity: 0 (For now)

Whereabouts: Ravenna, under Mount Caesar

Originally a resident of Rasna, Matteo Lombardi was a fisherman who spent most of his time on the docks of Ravenna’s ports, waiting for the perfect catch. When the Atlanteans invaded, Matteo did his part to support the defence effort by supplying food to the army. He fled Rasna with the rest of the survivors to Rubica as the Atlanteans closed in on the walls of Ravenna’s capital. When it became clear that the battle was lost, Matteo joined the remainder of Ravenna’s survivors under Mount Caesar as the Atlanteans overran Rubica, claiming the entire island for themselves.

After the survivors became settled in, Matteo decided to join up with the mining crews, though he quickly missed the feeling of the sea breeze on his face. One night, while drowning in misery at a ramshakle tavern, Matteo was approached by none other than Prince Revon, who decided to give him a proposition. Matteo would join up with the outside scavenging crews, but would gather certain special items for Revon. In exchange, Revon would bestow special privileges on Matteo such as extra rations and the like. Matteo accepts, though he can’t help but shake the feeling thaf the items Revon wants them to gather are being used for something… nefarious.

Bio for my man johnny. Still expanding his story and hopefully I’ll release a bit of it soon…

Name:Tsoai Revora (usually only called Johnny as his nickname)

Status:Alive, Injured


Whereabouts: Unnamed Deserted Island —> The Jaws

Prior to the invasion, Johnny was a well-known pirate captain operating in the Bronze Sea. Known for his fervent disapproval of magic and his particularly decorated ship, The Acalypha. Days before the invasion, The Acalypha was sighted fleeing from a Grand Navy vessel, commanded by Commodore Holweck. As Johnny maneuvered The Acalypha into The Jaws, as to lose the pursuing ship among the spires, Holweck launched himself up the spires with his Explosion Magic, quickly catching up to the ship. Holweck’s magic left nothing of The Acalypha but ash, Johnny himself, and the quartermaster Marcelus. Johnny’s hubris had finally caught up to him.

Missing his right forearm, and left with nothing but his sword, a compass, and a rowboat, Johnny set his sights on Redwake. Unfortunately for him, the sea would be disrupted and invaded by forces currently unknown to him during his journey there.

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we got two johnnys now

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crossover is imminent

Abyss Sea - Walter Marshall

Walter Marshall isn’t one person. There are three of them, each from different reality. Due to some kind of reality malfunctioning, all three of them fused together in Abyss Sea universe. All Walters share same name and appearance, but their items, armor, clothing and builds are different. They can switch between their bodies, so sometimes there is Walter Marshall 1 in the world, and two others are in his head, sometimes Walter Marshall 2 or 3.


Walter Marshall 1 - Knight.
Status - healthy
Insanity - 2
Whereabouts: sea bottom, Forest of Cernunno
The Knight is the leader of three. Stoic and armored, he serves as protector in the most critical situations, appearing when either of Walters is endangered. It is barely possible to do any serious damage to him due to his immense durability and regeneration, though he is the weakest of three, as his Vitality powers are yet to be awakened. His titanium armor is covered in seaweed, so it turned green, acting as a camo among kelp and seagrass. The Kinght wields greataxe, morning star and shield.

Walter Marshall 2 - Mage.
Status - healthy, unstable
Insanity - 2
Whereabouts - sea bottom, Limestone Key’s shipwreck
The Mage is the main ranged power among the three. While being fairly more durable than an ordinary mage, he is still the most vulnerable in the team, so he prefers long-ranged combat. He is the most agile of them all, so he appears when Walters need to travel on long but relatively safe distances, or when they are facing an opponent that is better to not come close to. His robes have also taken on green color, but due to them being initially white, they are not suited well for being a camo. Being the only among three who uses Insanity and Warding gear, and also being under the effect of the Warlord, he sometimes becomes very unstable and starts the destruction around himself. The Mage wields greataxe and Water and Glass magics.

Walter Marshall 3 - Warlord.
Status - infected, sane
Insanity - 2
Whereabouts - sea bottom, Atlantean ships
The Warlord is the main close-combat power among the three. He was infected by a shark that had Atlantean essence on its teeth. Since then, two other Walters use their collective mental strenght to keep him sane, and stop its mutation. The Warlord is still a human, but if one of other Walters die, his mutation will continue. He appears when Walters attack an Atlantean ship, so neither of Atlanteans will recognise him as a human while he is coming close enough for an attack. Despite looking like human and wearing unusual for Atlanteans greenish clothing, all Atlanteans think of him as one of their kind. He wields greataxe, dual flintlocks and shield.

The Greataxe each of Walter Marshalls wield is worth mentioning. When they have fused together, all their belongings stood with their owners, but their greataxes have also fused in one weapon. This greataxe allows Walters to switch between their bodies, and is used as primary weapon by Knight and Warlord.


Each of Walters has breathing jewels attached to their armor, providing them with ability to survive underwater for unlimited time without any need to go on the surface of the sea. They chose wandering beneath the waves in search of any underwater structures or sunken ships as their survival tactic. Barely any Atlanteans ever check what is happening underwater, so they are much more safe than any of island survivors. They bake fish and sharks above underwater volcanoes for food, raid Atlantean brigs to get access to brewing cauldron or cooking pot when they want and protect survivor ships by silently following them underneath the ships. Sharks, the main threat underwater, are not really able to do anything to the Knight, and even Megalodons are not that dangerous, if only the fight isn’t taking place in open water. With his shield, the Knight can withstand 2 White Eyes bites, when third one will be fatal. They always seek for the closest structure underwater to hide if they see a pair of glowing eyes in the water. The Warlord also has a shield, but he can only survive one White Eyes bite, and Mage can’t survive any. The Mage can sometimes come to Limestone Key’s shipwreck, lay on seaweed and recall in their collective memory those moments of peaceful life that ended in that fateful day of Invasion.

The Atlantean Cult of Greenwish

The Knight gained reputation among those who were once Greenwish cult. Now all infected into Atlanteans or eaten, the cultists sensed strong spirit energy inside of him, and with the help of Warlord they accepted Walter Marshall as one of them. Forming a strong bond with Cernyx, still a leader of the Cult, the Knight forced all other Atlanteans to leave the island. He stood in the middle of the Forest, raised his shield and acted as a lure for Atlanteans while cultists were dismembering all who come close enough to him. Ended up by Cernyx throwing some mountains at who remained, the Forest of Cernunno is now only guarded by Atlanteans of Greenwish cult, still hostile to any human or Atlantean except the Knight. By flowing a lot of spirit energy into Cernyx’s mind, Knight returned him sanity for one minute, enough time for him to bless Knight’s shield with Cernunno’s power, making it unbreakable.

Name: Shin Seas

Status: Alive and healthy

Insanity Level: effectively 3, technically 0

Whereabouts: some where between frost and jungle

My main OC (lawful good(technically lawful evil) would be absolutely and completely trapped in a confused state.
Thinking that he is trapped in the dark sea somehow and Hallucinating the bronze sea and trying to snap out of it (too bad it’s real tho)

(Aka a guy a thinks he is in the dark sea and insane
even tho he is in the bronze sea and stable
and makes him insane)

Example of the character trait :
Staving one self due to the possibility of the thing he is eats Isn’t what he see it is

“ I’m so hungry…But what are the chances that what I’m eating isn’t really I see it as?”

Current goals: find warding items to try and find his way back the “real” sea

(OOC: I want to have my OC go the the second sea when we get more details about it)