Drop your OC statuses

We are lmao

Well i’m doing it like some other dude up there, just my game file but with different story. (Second time I edit this bruh)

Abbie Grey (Acid Leg warlock): This man is slightly mutated, he managed to awaken once due to being so strong but due to much exposure he got mutated. After his mutation this man became far much more treat despite being a lesser mutated captain so yeah he looks a bit like himself. For his traits this man has the atlantlean claws item which im too lazy to describe and a shark fin on his back, why? because I thought it would be cool. His hair is as always, messy as hell, his eyes are red and has scales due to the mutation. He’s also muscular and even stronger on his legs due to having learn Iron Leg before all of this hell happened. This man can take out an entire brig by himself (haha, acid magic + iron leg go brr). He’s on Ravenna.

Actually what’s happening in the thing I’m writing

The Savior brings salvation.


Well I got an idea for what do do for the back half of my huge Abyss sea entry…

Probably could do a small storybeat of Crimsons depression due to losing Vega and many of the others he knew. NOT MY FRIENDDD NOOOOO.

entirely honest, i would be torn to shreds if i tried to fight
my warrior is NOT built for combat with multiple high level enemies at once
also would be quite a bit weaker, given the change of events
though he does have a very trustworthy friend or two to stand with, he’d still run to cirrus with them
also like uhmhmhuhhum

Don’t worry. We could at least have corrina and crimson becoming friends after losing a close friend/sibling.

You’ll finally take my heavy war-brig seriously

your slow ass would still be in range 2 :angel:

WRONG. Ramming speed

statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

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hey, whatever tricks my crew into actually working and giving us our real speed

my only OC is a guy that looks like Reverse Trigno and he’s a warrior (still as strong as the man himself tho) so there is no reason and cannon way to add him here

My oc is is a good person and try’s to help people so Mayor Tilly would probably get him. He has poison and acid magic so he would most likely turn into a pufferfish or jellyfish. I think he would be a peaceful Atlantean and just stay out of the way of survivors

Mf which OC should i use, most of them would be completely fine :sob:

Do what I did and make a new OC

I would, unless my brain wasn’t fried like a dam Kentucky fried chicken piece rn

oc status?
my oc (Mike) would be joining Ruby Roger’s crew
except ruby mutates (rip side character, everyone will acknowledge your contribution in frostmill and sailors), traumatizing the oc
they would be hiding in palo with ruby’s caravel docked near, using cfist to annihilate any atlanteans (ships) who got too close

sounds cringe? i know

u could always make a different version of your oc for this AU, heavily editing their backstories but still keeping their recognizable attributes. like I said it’s less just copy pasting your characters from the game into the AU and more making a new story for them