Drop your OC statuses

What if i just make a OC called John Abyss- (Joke)

bro got us in this whole mess, this is his sea now :skull:

LOL, but i wouldn’t mind rewriting a OC to fit this narrative

My oc Leo lives on a small secluded island trying to research the infection to understand how it works after his rival Jasper got infected

Kemdan is rather doing better for himself, he finds himself on Mount Othrys. Using his blacksmithing skills to try to find a better way to combat the Atlantean beasts (A small shoulder mounted cannon seems to work fine-)

Joe Galleon is wishing he had an actual galleon right now, since he is desperately sailing about trying to find somewhere that is actually safe while slowly losing more and more of the crew.

Guys someone in the global chat just posted this in the game, should I be worried

what happened

making a story for my character in this AU…
Ill probably post it once it has 2 chapters (its a google doc) i wont say much but johnny aint doing too hot

uhhh ig for my oc francesca keos

bronze legion centurion, though she’d have already deserted the bronze legion a few months earlier for what she found out about winterviel, so her main goal would be trying to get back to rasna and try to find her family if they’re still even alive
and if they are alive and uninfected try to get them to cirrus

Uh huh…

I don’t post much at all on this forum, here are my files.
percival jackson(acid + metal mage):.
one of his arms was replaced with a prosthetic one made out of the arcanium scrapes he found and melted together, no idea how he uses it like it’s the original one but it’s there.
he is trying to make a cure and actively avoiding the order at all cost.
whereabouts: unknown, under hiding.

love rose(former microwave mage, now a knight):
uninfected, not immune. sane.
just walking down town killing any atlantean that tried to kill her with her greataxe.
most of her crew are infected and dead, she will welcome uninfected survivors with open arms to what is left of her crew. make sure you don’t have the infection and you’re good.
whereabouts: sailing at sea.

raven astra(moonlight + wind mage):
died before infection got too severe.
died while trying to defeat a horde of atlanteans from his crew.
poor man at least died as a hero.
whereabouts: deep in the sea floor.

star caesar(acid conjurer):
infected, stage 2. mildly insane.
she got infected when she was walking in ravenna.
she will slice any survivor’s head open with her katana when aggravated, its best to not approah at all.
whereabouts: ravenna, shining plains.

(yes I edited this post multiple times.)

Hey chat should my OC 1v1 mayor tilly

(He’s aware of her mutation and this is a showdown)

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

As long as you don’t make her a pushover. sure! Mean the whole point we gave her all of the traits it’s so we can fight her.

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Yugo Zephyr
Lightning-Water mage, so he should have an advantage dealing with Atlanteans “soaked” status effect!!
Currently safe & sound, he has utilized a few people that were apart of his cults that worship Alpha White Eyes as sacrifice to get his material to safety up in the Sky Islands. Barely anyone is aware about his relationship with those cults thought, he’s mostly seen as a hero/savior type person.
He seems to be enjoying the invasion, especially the magic pollution. It opens up so many possibilities, cooperating with The Order & doing experiments on his own side.
He seems to be taking a particular interest in Curse users, specifically Beringer.
He was the one with the idea to get wizards to stay at the bottom of the stepping stones to guard it, rather than making an safer outpost that provided security for the mages. This was an opportunity for him to see how the “infection” spread.
Prior to the invasion, he was already meddling with The Order in the shadows via another identity.
He’s just taking advantage of the apocalypse to promote himself and raise in power.

Adelle Night, a amnesiac shadow conjurer who’s definitly missing chunks of her brain (how silly) is currently being used as a main test subject by her “friend” Yugo Zephyr, thinking she’s simply helping him out or doing normal stuff. She’s completly unaware of what he’s actually doing.
She gets sent down Stepping Stones for extended periods of time then immediatly brought back up by Yugo, who’s just observing the reactions her body has to magic pollution and testing if the mutations can be pushed back.

Will likely die due to these experiments, turning into a jelly fish like creature.

Felix Sun
Fire Conjurer, unawakened at the moment.
She originally brought a bunch of people including Sir Gavin to Whitesummit for safety, but after some time, quickly realised how displeasant and dangerous it was to stay there, not due to the atlanteans but the criminals, she was an outlaw herself, but not the entirety of the people she brought.
So, a few weeks after the invasion, or right before whitesummit was invaded, she decided to move out with her group to the closest place : Stepping Stones, having heard of some rumors about the place being completly safe.

They were attacked on the way there, losing 2 people out of the 18 on the ship. They managed to fight off the Atlanteans and reach the Stepping Stones, being saved by Adelle Night and escorted up the mountain into the Sky Islands.

Currently, Felix is healthy & sane, the magic pollution may or not push her to awaken far stronger abilities than normal, as she’s currently unawakened yet performs pretty good. She’s happy she found her friends Yugo & Adelle, but Yugo seems to be acting weird…? She’s just guarding the area from time to time, but mainly focus on making sure no fight breaks out inside the sky islands.
Yugo may or not plan to turn her into another test subject of his, specifically due to how she hasn’t awakened yet despite her power & skill, especially with the current conditions of the Bronze Sea.

She will probably be sent to fight agaisn’t Atlanteans and actually survive, her main target is Kai for some reason, she has heard about what happened to Whitesummit after she left.

Yuriko Storm
Sailor Fist Lightning Warlock.
“Man, fuck this shit” Grand Navy Marine, she straitgh up just left the place as soon as it got too populated, all thought she continued helping people, constantly going on missions and doing whatever she wants. She might randomly pop up on certain occasions with a old marine ouftit.
But now that the sea is so polluted, she avoids using Sailor Fist & minimize its usage as much as possible. She might entirely switch to a different fighting style or find an alternative, but for now, she has planned on finding Sarlovéze to teach her some stuff.

Sailor Fist users were the first to notice the change in magic pollution and its intensity due to the fact they rely on drinking water filled with it, so i guess she already knew something was up because “Man this water taste weird”

She’s also investigiating some weirder stuff going on, like what The Order could be doing, following rumors about “experiments”

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got that brand new spicy water

All four of my OC’s are on pelion.

blood has too much alcohol in it so the mutation can’t form,.,…

Starting a capitalist kingdom using the Djinn Ruins. Selling sky pumpkins alongside Louis Nebula.

Also, constantly on the lookout for any Atlantean that decides to learn how to climb, protecting Cirrus Island with Arish Vista.

This is basically Matthew:
Weird Stock Photos (Part 1) – KidzNet