Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

(yeah, it doesn’t work on resistance, it’s basically only blocking (the opponent’s defense has to be insanely high to actually see much of a difference, like around 2k))

I mean that’s why I feel like it’s a better power

Power damage is the same always

But with armor piercing? If they have like 1200 hp, sure you won’t be dealing much more damage, but you can still damage them like normal as they’ll run out of hp quickly, plus a lot of your damage will go through their blocks (I don’t know why people act like people barely block in PvP)

And your damage output only gets higher the more defense the other person has, so your damage output would probably be doing more than someone with like what 60 power (depending on how much armor piercing you have)

Anyways kinda just yapped I’ll see how this goes when I finish my build

uh, yeah, about that
unless you’re fighting someone with 3k health, you won’t be noticing much of a difference

power is just better, since it always affects your damage, while ap heavily depends on your opponent’s build and actions

I don’t know man

I mean look at some of the PvP done here, that damage, with no power is good and the guy recording only has 2k hp. Most ppl have at least 1500

In my eyes having a lot of armor piercing is like always fighting someone with no defense. If they have more defense then you’ll deal more damage but if they have literally no defense, you’ll deal base damage which isn’t bad against no defense

High size, power and ap would just be op because you would never miss and nearly always damage no matter if they are blocking or no

that’s before the nerf

it was good for like 2 weeks

There was a NERF?


I give up

I’m just gonna invest in resistance for another file

good ending

posted this in RFAO4 but…
the update isnt releasing anytime soon.
We still have 7 more tiers of wall and the civilization tab to go through
praying now more than ever for that pre release pace to return

technically vetex still has like 20 days
or yknow, he can just break it up into 2 monthly updates


Didn’t that “hotfix update” come out like, sometime between June 10th-20th? At most he got like 9 days I thought :sob:

Maybe he should actually

But the game would get so dry in between them I feel like. I don’t actually know tho maybe it’ll just be the same (we went without an update for 4 months and survived so😀)

eh, he also didn’t do exactly 1 month for the first monthly update

anyways, I do hope that there will be different options to choose the role of your claimed island. like an arena island wouldn’t produce any resources but structures would respawn and you don’t lose any money or infamy unless the island is being contested.
maybe a stronghold which gives defenses more health, but you get slightly less production.
and a merchant town where you get much more production but your defenses have a lot less health


fashion odyssey is real!!!


Oh I know exactly what I’m doing with this

I want to see all the AP defenders use AP for themselves and tell me how amazing it is

souvella’s prob stronger she said she was a commodore b4 retiring and idk about the iron leg mentor i forgot his lore if he even has any

Now we need the same for legs.


Complete sentence
