Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Math is not mathing, chatgpt what did you cook?

i did the probability math

it’s close to 1/12, but it’s more like 1/~12.5

Actualy, they did cook

If I have a 1/6 chance of getting 6 rolling a dice, and I rolled the dice three times, what’s the chance I get a 6?

the equation you’re looking for is 1-(59^5/60^5)

equation for this should be 1-5^3/6^3

the right number is the amount of possibilities there are
the left number is the amount of possibilities you don’t want
the number you’re bringing both to the power of is the amount of times you’re attempting the thing

you subtract it from 1 to get the percentage chance

with that said, assuming you don’t care about anything but getting at least 1 six the chance is about 42%

Here’s math :nerd_face:


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8.08 is closer to 1/12.5 (or even 1/13) than 1/12

Wouldn’t trust AI to do math

for those who don’t want want to interpret math and stuff

chance low, take long to get, do many charts, you happy


You maybe meant 1/11.5?

I can second this



Yes it is

this is the equation i used, the probability is close to 1/12.5

i asked people who are smarter than me at math for help and they both agree with me

never trust ai to do math

If we were to round up the numbers:

  • Common chart - 1%
  • Uncommon - 2%
  • Rare - 3%
  • Exotic - 5%
  • Legendary - 8%

common charts are probably the best way to farm for these items unless you find an exotic or legendary chart
uncommon and rare charts are just too rare to farm from chests, and you’ll probably not get them often from farming your rival, if you want to do that
common charts are really common from regular chests, and with just a few minutes of farming you can get like 10 of them

but it’s nice that legendary charts now have a reason to be solved, outside of flexing your treasure hunting skills through the little announcement

I cant wait for the flood of posts of people complaining about “unsolvable” treasure chart spots and asking for help

I’m not good at probability but in the end its just theoretical anyway 1/12 is good enough for me

my level 260 rival watching me repeatedly beat the shit out of him for exotic+ charts

“Oh you always drop a rare or above treasure chart do you? I hope you don’t mind if I just…”
300 defeats