Luck rolls?

Idk if this is true does this account for the luck rework?

If so then its the opposite, sunkens are unlimited and free again WOOOOOOOO

it’s meant to, since you’d get a 3/1000 chance per chest

inb4 the math majors go “UHM ACKTUALLY that isn’t how probability works!!! :nerd_face: You don’t multiply your chances of getting something by the amount of times you draw!!! It’s actually (insert some random formula using a fucking /) or 1/335.143353345335533!!!” because they just have to flex their useless degree everywhere they go to reassure themselves that picking math over something like business that would make you infinitely rich in exchange for having to be an idiot was the right choice.

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What did the Math majors do to you man?

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i dont think anyone has ever said this

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no there was a moment where this youtuber did math horribly wrong (off by like 900,000) and their editor with a math degree had to tell them to fix it (minecraft mods)


i don’t even have a math major but i definitely talked to people who very well should

What’s wrong with being correct

Isn’t chance to get sunkens from chests 1/3000?

Its halved in abysall structures.

I’m pretty sure it’s 1/2000 everywhere

it’s 1/2000 from fishing, 1/3000 from normal underwater chests, and 1/1500 from abyssal chests, the trello explicitly states the 1/3000 and 1/1500 rates

ah, then it’s 1/500 then from chests with luck 5

not how probability works, but i’m too tired to do the math again if i’m just gonna be laughed at for doing math


I don’t care if it’s actually 1/503

dude that the old luck, the one we have now, with the new one we will be getting, no matter what luck level u have, even without luck the chances are the same, 1/3000 for sunken, 1/6000 for acrimony

best example are bosses, fighting bosses with any level of the new luck is like fighting a boss rn without luck, the new luck doesnt affect rng at all and the fact vetex is set in bassically gutting the most casual friendly feature is beyond me

dude I think you’re misunderstanding what I mean

I have never said “luck reduces the chances” I say “with luck 5 you’d get about 1/500 per chest”. It increases your chances by multiplying your pulls dude

it affects rng by multiplying how many times you do something

fighting a boss with luck is like fighting a boss 3 times at once

Its still a nerf rate wise, not to mention how much longer itll take to loot an abyssal diving spot compared to a regular one

Edit: it gets even worse if you account for diving routes since the bronze sea usually has better routes. Even if it doesnt have a good diving spot only route, it still has whispering AND limestone which combined have 31 chests iirc and are easy to loot

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Yeah its a nerf overall. Idk if its as bad as we think. Wait doesnt this mean luck will make u pull many fish at once will it count towards fish caught?