Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex said he has some “fire ideas for it visually” so I’m not at all surprised it’s taking several days. I would be very shocked if he finished it that quickly.

I hope it’s somehow sky island related

Any previous information we had on him isn’t confirmed to be canon anymore


so as far as im concerned he is probably retconned

This is more of a soft retcon by the looks of it. By the way vetex says it, he wants to flesh out the lore a bit and consider previous info as unreliable

Considering that I think he said that all info on freedrock is considered spoilers, you are probably correct.

whoever did these vfx COOKED (cant wait for sands pillar explosion to look like these right vetex??? (please)

vetex is so sigma for redoing the explosions

Even more particles to obscure a players screen with

YIPPEE!!!111!!!1!!!1 (complete sentence)

are these all pillar?

looks like it yeah, makes me wonder if shockwave or sphere types will get reworks too

i wonder if all the magics got reworked explosion visuals or if it was just some

I really hope its all, i wanna see what vetex cooked (or would have cooked) for sand explosions


oh i love the dust shockwave thing

Now PLEASE just fix the solid magics :sob:

you WILL take your wtf are pillar crystal explosions :skull: and you will LIKE THEM

this is gonna look SICK with shaders, I can’t wait.

Light Magic still looks (comparatively) boring because it’s textureless, just a flat white beam :pensive:
Those other magics are looking amazing though. I love the new Wind effects.
I think Light should get sparkles, that would add a bit more to look at.

I dunno I think the neon part looks better than it just being an invisible part with only vfx