Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The…the what?

nvm, im dumb

meet concept man

Side Quest

lets name all “promised concepts”

who remembers these btw?

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We already have some of them so I assume he forgot about this or it isn’t important anymore (he said guild as well as clan so it’s probably not looked at often if ever)

Smoke Arrows are also gone

Guys please…
You should know by now that hyping anything up just makes people more dissapointed in the end. Sure, it looks cool, but please, dont hype it up.
You, as AO community members for a long time, should be aware that hyping up anything in AO has terrible consiquences :sob: :pray:

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Oh I’m sorry.

message to anyone who’ll be content with whatever we get

Makrinaos is a really cool concept, and is definitely what I want personally more of in game. Vetex is personally excited, and if you are like me and enjoy stuff with mystery and lore, you’ll probably like the island - at least based off of what I’ve heard. Or you might not, and you’d prefer another one of the upcoming islands.

Message to everyone else

Makrinaos is gonna be a terrible island and you shouldn’t be excited for it :angry:


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Makrinaos is that one volcano island or smth else?

Im late to this disscussion but…
Is that a free-battle-pass?

just a tutorial to help new players, but I doubt they will read it

The volcano is in Bronze

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I might buy patreon just to see for myself

volcano is in bronze, makri is nimbus criminal base

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There also will be a volcano in nimbus for the storyline

ah yeah, the one that we’ll use to get to skyhall

Wait, if theres gonna be a volcano there… and volcanoes are gonna be one way we go to Sky Islands… more Sky Islands in Bronze Sea soon??? :eyes:

Maybe thats where we learn abt the 2nd Baron…

or maybe General Valerii is the second baron

Im sorry for being excited for something, itll never happen again