Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i wonder if Galaga is going to cook any more spells/techniques/skills before the update drops

Unlikely but not unwelcome

i mean, according to the trello that’s one of Galaga’s main things that they’re doing so it might not be out of the question?

Personally if I was in Galaga’s shoes I would focus on making 3rd weapon skills before adding any more spells or techniques


third gun skill finally after 30 years :fire:

No how could they do this to LIGHTNING magic :frpensive:

Lightning my beloved…:frcryin::lightning_magic_var2:


so the issue is with the speed of indexing the datastores? ig that makes sense but again doesn’t roblox have a service specifically made for stuff like this called memorystores which are a lot faster if a bit less reliable from my experience

basically for my non roblox programmers (i envy you) memorystores are fast temporary storage that work essentially the same way as datastores, but each key has an expiration limit. in this case the expiration limit would just be the length of the auction, and if there’s some complicated stuff with like adding to the time after a bid you can do some math with unix time to figure out when it should expire

ig the caveat is that like i said they are less reliable, they will fail some calls every once in a while but there are enough items and they work enough of the time that it should not be an issue. its not worth rescripting all of that though if it already done so whastever

I sure hope so.

they fcking nerfed wind’s speed the game is now unplayable


Don’t worry, attack speed will have better efficiency in return

The nerf is like 5% less speed, so don’t be panic about it but yea pretty annoying change, nonetheless

But man, Lighting is getting that Joel treatment (if it damage got nerf from 0.9x to 0.875x) also it speed is 10% less now
But I think light magic speed is kinda bit undeserved since it has to rely on it Blinding and very fast speed to make it good magic nonetheless it still 20% faster than lighting magic and fastest magic ingame

Light and lightning are my two favourite magics :sob::sob:

I don’t think we’re getting Skyhall or story continuation in the Full Release update, it’ll probably be the update after.

The reason I think this is because Vetex has said that Ravenna “probably” has the smallest kingdom island. So if Skyhall is at least as big as Ravenna, it could potentially take a whole month or more to finish, and that’s not even including the volcano, gliding mechanic, and actual story.

As much as I am desperate for a level cap increase to get my taken-away-for-lore-reasons rare spell back, I think Skyhall would delay the Full Release update and its extremely important features too much.

I agree but I dont think full release will draw the casuals back in without skyhall, its a whole new location visually and would really hammer in how far the game has come instead of having us stuck in sameria for another update


Yeah full release might need 2 new chapters instead of just one (I swear if one of the chapters is just about the volcano)

Also is it just me or do I feel like full release should have arcanium weapons? Idk when they’re planned though

Theres also other story islands too. Keep in mind we might not even land in Skyhall, we might land in some other sky island and its a journey from there.

Someone said that theres a large gap between islands in Nimbus Sea, and I realised it might be because Nimbus Sea will be mostly composed of Sky Islands, and so most of the story and travelling will be there. Nimbus looks empty rn because most of its islands are actually in the sky and arent even added yet.

Working on the next chapter will likely require working on possibly several sky islands, as our spawn will be set in the sky and no longer on land. Its def after Full Release.

that sounds cool but also probably not the case since a lot of islands are getting added to nimbus next update or soon

I sure hope so man I want my sand great axe so bad

I can’t wait to spawn in the sky again, I LOVE CIRRUS ISLAND

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They’re increasing diminishing returns too why do they hate us light users :frcryin: