Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


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time to make that an actual clan and ask people for money
if they don’t reply, I just kill them (or at least try)

So hold on, does that mean that clan people and non-clan people are now separated?

really dislike this one, i think in an mmo players shouldnt be seperated into 2 seperate places since itll make trading and interaction hard, as well as making it more difficult to recruit/join clans

basically for people that find it confusing, clan members get teleported to an identical copy of the sea places, meaning to get in servers with clanless players theyll have to use the server browser or join them/be joined by them


this is the closest we will ever have to pvp/pve servers


I’ll say it: Horrible change.
I know clans have really been seen as PvP for most of the game, but after Vetex’s rant I was hoping that he would add enough PvE and solo clan content to make them work. There’s already the infamy block when in servers without other clans, so why force interaction instead of making it optional? Give people the chance to make huge impressive fortresses without the risk of a toxic clan coming in to stop them, add pirate raids or something so there is PvE content to make you fight for your island. My clan was basically just made as a joke with friends. I don’t want to be forced into this.

Also, might I note, this blocks off players who want to stay PvE completely from participating in clan building almost entirely.


i think thats the intent after what vetex said but id rather open pvp over seperating half the community

this would encourage clan activity
but it’s also just a bit odd to do it this way

solution: join non clan servers through server menu
too easy

Yeah but I don’t want to do that all the time, it’s a hassle finding a good server through the menu.

No it wont, it will just make the entry level for clans even harder.

See it like this:
You are a little timy, you want to create a clan Timmy’s Boys. Okay, good, you saved up 5k ,and now you got a clan…Buuut the moment you rejoined the game to try and recruit people, you are placed in server with all the pvp clans who are like a swarm of flies camp spawsn and instantly take over any available islands



the player segregation update is real!!!


We already have to do it in order to join a bronze sea server without going through nimbus

ik ik I still don’t like the feature, just because there is a way to bypass it doesn’t mean its suddenly good.

Yeah but you’ll need to know which is a clan server and which one isn’t

its only default one so like if you’re in a clan, you’ll get teleported to the clan version of a sea ( where everyone else is a clan member )

you can still tp to your friend/anyone else even if they arent in a clan if you do so manually

thats what i understand from this

yeah let me add my coal to the fire this patch note sucks.
no one is going to end up playing in clan servers, and likely this would make clans a lot more redundant.


why wouldn’t they play in clan servers? it would be the best way to grind infamy

clan servers will likely fill up with sweats who attack you on spawn
no one likes that

okay yeah this is stupid

If clan members are going to be forced to join servers dedicated to other clan members, then recruiting becomes more annoying. Even then, if non-clan members can join those servers, then what’s the point of having different servers to begin with? I feel like I’m not the only person who usually joins through the Servers option because of how crappy my luck is with random server regions, so if more people do that, then there won’t be a single difference.