Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

he never said enemy towers were being added it was probably for the next update similar to castrum

If it’s ready he’ll probably release it.
If he doesn’t he needs to add things to it

He was saying the same with monthly updates :expressionless:
“I will release what is ready”

i like how that promise didn’t even last a single update

If he was gonna add enemy towers, the trello updates probably wouldn’t be totally empty of content for that.

Just when we started talking about monthly updates

damn i’ll be deep in college work by then

deep in college wo r k by th en

What could this mean?


What co u ld this me a n ?

It means my heater broke :frowning:

and some people dare call vetex lazy when he literally overworks himself for us

no wonder he gets depression alot

doomposters when quality content takes time to add (they could add a shitty version in only 90% the time fr)

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there are so many dumbasses in general chat on vetcord saying either the game is cooked, or that vetex is a liar and a bad dev

or they call me a glazer for being a patreon, god forbid i want to support a dev who works for free

for reference upon update arcane odyssey peaks at like 15k people and release it peaked at 100k (because it was overhyped along with literally every update) so this isnt too far off, it just lacks replayability (something vetex himself has pointed out several times)

Honestly sucks that this game is on Roblox, it would be so much more appreciated and praised. Roblox has such a fucked up scale of “good”, that games with barely any content or updates like Jujutsu Shenanigans will average 100 times AO’s player count while not even having a fragment of it’s amount of content.




this dumbass in particular is a prime example of these kids


“1.5k hours on ao and I’m getting bored” get a JOB

No shit you are bored after playing for 1.5k hours :sob::sob::sob:

thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou almighty king vetex my life is yours


if i played 1.5k hours on ANY game, even AAA games id prolly get bored like what is this point

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