Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

its only default one so like if you’re in a clan, you’ll get teleported to the clan version of a sea ( where everyone else is a clan member )

you can still tp to your friend/anyone else even if they arent in a clan if you do so manually

thats what i understand from this

yeah let me add my coal to the fire this patch note sucks.
no one is going to end up playing in clan servers, and likely this would make clans a lot more redundant.


why wouldn’t they play in clan servers? it would be the best way to grind infamy

clan servers will likely fill up with sweats who attack you on spawn
no one likes that

okay yeah this is stupid

If clan members are going to be forced to join servers dedicated to other clan members, then recruiting becomes more annoying. Even then, if non-clan members can join those servers, then what’s the point of having different servers to begin with? I feel like I’m not the only person who usually joins through the Servers option because of how crappy my luck is with random server regions, so if more people do that, then there won’t be a single difference.

Not entirely, the building aspect in of itself is a neutral - neutral in the PvE and PvP sense - thing that people in Clans happen to be capable of doing.


The Town aspect with passive items can initially be read as PvE however.


We’ll have to see how it plays out when the specifics get added in onto the trello. But given what we know so far it does give this impression similar to the Deckhand situation.

But like the Deckhand situation it can always be resolved and accounted for. I vaguely remember Vetex not agreeing the notion of PvE Clans awhile back somewhere in the PvE vs PvP discussion threads.

But i do remember them saying that they’ll accomodate those that primarily get their infamy via Island Claims and by extension Charts, Sealeds, etc. as well. I think it was in the Nimbus QnA or so, i’ll have to verify this a bit later as i’m doing my own shenanigans atm.

We’ll just have to wait and see when the Building and Town functionality itself gets added.


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1, yes
2, why here

where else :frowning:
we need like a general channel for yapping or somethin, im sorry for bein off topic

have you heard of vetcord

also this line of thinking is why we can’t talk about things in reminders for ao

no image perms there
also people gotta stop rambiling there, I am actually getting pissed, for each actually important thing posted there is like 3 messages of ramble


That’d be the forums #general as well

First impressions about the patchnote:

But after knowing that I exclusively use server browser, it would be a non-issue. This will be an issue like recruiting random people and sweats populating the clan servers. But we have the almighty server browser to dodge that inevitability.

The only concern I have is: Will that solution hold? What if he manages to make everyone in clans go to clan servers regardless whether you used the server browser? Maybe I am just paranoid, but who knows. Maybe vetex already knew and has the solution to our solution.



am i the only one that thinks clan only servers is a GOOD thing? I own my own clan of about 25 members currently, and trying to find people to actually fight in order to gain infamy is already really ass, vetex just fixed the main problem with that

as for the people saying “oh this is segregation” isn’t that literally what you wanted? most of the “toxic” pvpers and bounty hunters will go to the servers where that’s actually common and everyone expects to be attacked, thus making the non clan servers

if you’re recruiting people for your clan in normal servers, that’s already a pretty bad idea as you need a clan discord to have a clan work properly in ao

vetex has already completely removed bank clans, so your best bet is to just leave yours before the update releases and hold your galleons

i’m not really sure what the problem is with gatekeeping island building to people in large clans, if you’re a pve player, just join an already established clan that CAN defend you in these servers. Not to mention that it’s not even like you can only claim islands in these servers, you’re just likely to end up in one where you’ll have to defend ur island


Well now we know what that spell was that vetex accidentally released

AIMBOT MOVE LETS GOOOO (complete sentence)

“oh hey new rare spell that sounds sick-”

Unsurprisingly Galaga did make Blitz and Array.

me and you both, brother :handshake: