Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

max power and +280% effect length musgravite meta :skull:

This is like what everyone wanted, intensity was really fucking assassin syndicate

Wouldn’t size builds benifit more? Speed builds have always been able to turret projectiles extremely quickly (blast into pgale into javelin), but with intensity affecting cooldown, it might help slow, high power builds which already rely on 1-3 moves to benifit more.

You could have an ileg juggernaut use a 300 damage shot every 2 seconds.

You could have an ice sailor user repeatedly use smash, and only smash.

You could have a size warrior endlessly spam sparrow thrust to no end.

holy shit lmaaaaaooo imagine getting hit by a max status duration poison attack

i think it all depends on intensities efficiency, it could be really good cuz you see fair effects at low invest or really bad if it changes little at high invest

and i trust vetex knows what he’s doing

Yk I completely forgot about the Abyss modifer

It’s either gonna end up as busted as attack speed, or useless as regen.

isnt regen getting buffed this update tho

Is it?

idk i saw something 'round here a while ago about a regen buff from bteam but i dont think i’ve heard anything since

buff to regen would be very nice to have since one of the lost armor sets will be power+regen
even if its just a good efficiency buff i’d try to implement regen in my build

I have a regen build, and it’s not like we’d be losing anything if regen was balanced out, so I’d be all for that.

Oops, all spam!

we throwing 50 javelins/blasts a minute with this one

This truly is an Arcane-level screwup

light paladin with full brisk aleithia set or smthn idk

intensity rework is well needed i think

This ain’t well-done, it’s burnt, never cook again

Maple already warned him twice…
I hate to be that guy, but I think people gotta be muted if they start yapping in RFAO again :upside_down_face:

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