Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

its 80 magic so even savants can get it

Surely this means there will be another low-level rare technique

insert that one
its a CANNON event
photo here

Flying phoenix magic equivalent

Calvus 500 x3 attack is already charged, he can even not charge it all the way.

look at this goober replying to a reply in rfao4

In a… reply to you replying on rfao
Dear me, the layers.

God why do we even have that thread?

Rfao is for trello changelogs and occasionally comments on changes that offer new perspectives, jokes if they are funny, etc. Not for starting discussions when you can just discuss here

Yeah so it’s just this one but worse then.

No its this one but less clogged so people who have other things to do dont have to spend 20 minutes skimming through here for cool stuff

Then why even let people reply to it?

to post trello updates and other ao news…

If you need a spot for all this news, then don’t let people freely chat, or else they’ll freely chat.

it is not particularly hard to understand

Well thats the thing, we are telling you to not freely chat

I see reply, i reply to reply, oops, wasn’t supposed to do that on FORUMS.

It confuses the hell out of me when we have two open topics about the same thing, and I can only use one. Meanwhile, every other post is free to use.

One is for announcements for the game only, one is for discussing the announcements posted in that thread

Why you such a :mosque: