Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Not really no

or at the very least one of its main strongholds

shieldguard reminds me of freedom lookout
and it looks so good i might aswell make a navy file just to be able to spawn there

“heavily manned, heavily armed” reminds me, if anything, of Impel Down, which makes me hope we’ll get something like that sometime.

the more notoriety you have the lower down you’re sent, with some levels having super strong navy officers or even creatures (dragon???) guarding segments

obviously due to time and roblox limitations i doubt it’d be as diverse but even something half as major would be sick to have

and if you have high renown you could even go down in visitation (similar to how Boa did i’d assume)

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They literally have a panopticon (Insert ultrakill reference)

It’s only kind of a panopticon since you can pretty easily see where the guard in the middle is looking (the point of the original design was to make the prisoners unable to see the guard so they self regulate, aka psychological torture), but I still love the reference

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I thought for a moment that some of the tables and posts sticking out of the tower were fucking cannons

perfect unrest quelling tool: heavy explosive shell

true though

Didnt even need to see god is good


Wonder who got silenced

Yes king :tired_face: preach it

I think I can guess the 3

shieldguard lookin fire :fire: :fire: :fire:

Okay, TODAY’S 400 messages are justified…I think

gonna need to beat that tomorrow

Okay but it’s been 2 hours and there’s less than 10 new replies

We must enjoy this grace period

Turned this thread into #general

@Flayire say “i got caught fr” and this this thread will official be connected to Vetcord’s #general through you.
You will be our bridge.