something interesting is that shieldguard appears to have its own unique emblem
nvm it’s probably a window
Yay… more vanity items to ruin trying to get modifiers…
(Join the anti-modifier army, return to enjoying build making)
i like how it looks
The way he wrote it makes it seem like it could be where the GN was founded
Cleared the thread and silenced 3 people. Should know by now that i am taking the rules seriously
That looks sick ngl
Cant wait for that update
Additional thing: I won’t say anything else about the images, but they all now have a watermark from vetex saying “image from DO NOT DISTRIBUTE”
This is probably going along with vet cracking down more on leaks
I never said people couldn’t make a short comment or observation on something posted here, I just wanted any and all discussions gone from this thread. If you’re going to mute people make sure to follow the rules that were put in place
(Actually maybe I’m crazy because later in this thread with the deleted messages looks fine), mb in that case
waiter! more islands please!
this got changed from 7 islands to 6 islands…
and he added sheildguard and tidecliff to the islands added
Vetex accidentally misfired a blast at the 7th island
It’s because one of the wilderness islands just got added so now there is only 6 left
Let’s go mini bosses getting added and stuff
also this was added to npc drops
NPC’s and bosses regenerate like Carina, she has 2x regen now