Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Lesser clans will be physically unable to buy one unless they create a cargo macro.

I’m just going to build a small base with 4 tier 8 walls and no one will get to me for at least 10 updates lmao

desperately need an answer guys my new island might just be so expensive it could make tiberia the capital of ravenna

You and what workforce, bub?

only pay when destroyed, you can save and load your structures

Me and my inventory worth one morbillion galleons

Ohh noo that’s right, they have upkeep cost

they don’t, most likely they will regenerate like regular structures do

Perhaps, that’d be good.

thank the lord and savior and vetex time to Acheron-proof the navy base of the nimbus sea :grin:

also do you have to pay the galleons to build from a loadout if it’s the first time YOU did it or whenever someone builds that loadout everyone else just builds it for free until someone raids it



everyone can probably build it for free, and you probably don’t have to pay to rebuild it every time someone raids it since you can load for free anyway

no grand navy member is getting through my clan base that probably costs more than the amount of galleons you can have in clan bank

Speaking of which, what’s stopping lesser clan members from blowing all the clan funds?

probably needs a limiter

I think only leaders and coleaders can use clan funds, everyone else is forced to use their own money

In both cases, it’s a good day to be a co-leader.

so basically leader and co leader make the loadouts for the rest of the members to be used

there really needs to be a separate rank below co-leader who can also do this

If all of the money could only be spent by the high ranks, then the low ranks would be slaving away for the higher ranks to get all the spoils.

Strategist/Architect ramk?